The Project & Meeting Carmen

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Faith's P.O.V. ***

After I finished tuning my guitar, I began to strum the notes to "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri and sing.

You know I can't take one step towards you

Cause all that's waiting is regret

And don't you know I'm not your ghost anymore...

I always had a small fetish with this guitar, but it was the only item in my life that could really put me at ease. I pulled out my phone after I finished and checked the time. I had a few more minutes till school started, so I ran to Mrs. Clark's room, considering her class was all the way on the other side of the campus. I slowend my pace noticing the stares I was receiving from everyone and the laughter. I hated the glares and laughter I received every time I walked down these horrid halls, but what could I do with a bunch of followers and want-to-be's who just want to get in with the popular crowd? Continuing my regular stride to get to my class and ignoring heart-breaking murmurs, I just continued to look forward. 

 I'm glad Holmes Chapel has an absolute zero-acceptance policy for bullying, but from what it seems, they don't really enforce it unless it's physical bullying, which doesn't really help in my case. If anyone is caught physically abusing someone, they would, of course,  be suspended. I sped-walked past a huge group of guys, also known as the popular guys or "jocks", especially ignoring the five pair of eyes that loved to see me in pain. Hate soon engulfing whatever happiness and peace I had left. My thoughts were disrupted when I walked through the doors of my teachers room.

"Good Morning Faith." I was greeted politely by Mrs. Clark as I walked through her doors.

"Good Morning Mrs. Clark." I replied giving her my most convincing, polite smile. I sat down in my assigned seat and  mentally scoffed as Harry walked through the door. Did I mention I have every class with Harry? Hurray... The late bell rung and Mrs. Clark began her lesson.

"So, today class you will be paring up with partners and switching to a new seat for the upcoming project. The person you are sitting next to will be your permanent partner for the rest of the school semester." Mrs. Clark instructed to all of us. Okay, this can't be that bad. I'll have a new lab partner.

"Everyone stand up and take your bags with you. Stand in the back of the class room." Everyone did as instructed and moved to the back of the room. She called out name after name and seats were getting filled. Time seemed to be going by slower, and slower until I finally heard my name get called.

"Faith..." I was some what seated in the far back, but not so far that I wouldn't be able to hear her. I waited to hear my science partners name to be called. My eyes traveled to the new girl a she stood their with a smile on her face as I looked at her, genuinely smiling back.  Maybe I should show her around sometime and get to know her. Oh who are you kidding Faith why would you put her in a terrible situation by making her your friend? Just look at Lauren, she dreads coming to school to because she gets picked on to, but all for what you may ask. For being my friend. That's why. I soon dropped the thought and looked at the empty seat by me and sighed.

"Harry, your Faith's new lab partner, take your seat next to her." My heart beat increased and my eyes widened as my eyes looked to the teacher. I was mentally screaming at her for the fact that she put me in this situation. I moved my seat as far away as I possibly could and kept my gaze on the black desk top while she continued the seating chart.  Gladly the new girl was placed in front of us, so maybe I could start a little conversation with her. No Faith, Harry will just tell Zayn and threaten her. I really hated it when my inner mind was always right.

I'm in Love With My Bully Harry Styles [In Editing]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat