Sudden Attitude Change

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Faith's P.O.V.***

"Faith I know we're cool, but I really need to be alone right no-"

"It's about this text I got." I cut him off mid sentence while pulling out my phone. I was nerves because I really wanted to know if he was the one sending the text messages. Curiosity flashed through his features as I unlocked my phone and pulled up the message. I hesitated for a second, but I finally handed him the phone.

"I figured... Since we're now "cool"' I said putting air quotes around cool. "You would... umm. Tell me if you sent me this out of anger. Please be honest..." One part of me was wishing he had sent it, the other part wasn't, because he was now cool with Harry, and if Harry found out he sent me this, he woldn't be very happy. I can imagine Carmen being upset as well.

"I didn't send you this." His eyebrows knit together as he continued to read. "Who's the arse who is sending you this!" His yelled through the hallway getting a few stares our way. I felt my heart beat quicken as questions flowed through my mind.

"I don't know that's why I was asking you!" I whisper yelled to him. I didn't want Carmen to know about this. Who knows how she would react. I felt tears start to come on the brim of my eyes as confusion ran through me. He pulled me into a quick hug and I quickly broke it off. I stopped quickly and looked back at Zayn. "Don't tell Carmen. Promise me." He sighed, but finally gave in and nodded.

"Thanks." I sighed and walked off soon taking my phone away from his hands. "I have to go...Meeting Harry before class." I walked off outside of the school, receiving really weird and quite frightening stairs from Louis and Niall. I chose to ignore it as I continued to walk outside to the front of the school where Harry was leaning against the stair post. I quickly ran into his arms causing him to fall back a little but he hugged back, taking me into his strong embrace. He kissed my forehead as we began to walk back inside the school. Harry was very casually wearing his white v-neck t- shirt which hugged his body, showing off his toned abs, and a pair of light brown chinos and white Vans. Harry hasn't said a word and it worried me. I looked at his hand to see his wound healing, but I looked up to see him already staring at me. I once again ignored the glares and threatening stares of jealousy we received and just focused on us. His eyes had a tint of guilt in it... Why was he so guilty. I took his hand and intertwined our fingers. I felt my heart race at the contact of our skin touching, with the sparks shooting up my arm.

"What's wrong Haz?" I questioned him, a bit worried about this new attitude change. He shook his head and continued to walk with our hands intertwined. I stood causing him to stop and look back at me. "What's wrong? Seriously. Don't shake it off as if it's nothing. What's really wrong with you?" I felt my heart beat increase as he let go of my hand and sighed.

"I-I'm breaking up with you." I felt my heart snap into two pieces as he began to walk off, leaving me in the mist of thoughts and pain running through my head. I ran back up and pulled Harry back to see tears falling from his eyes as well as mine. The bell rung but I didn't care.

"H-Harry." I said shaking my head hoping this is all a dream. I felt my stumach start to churn as the thoughts off me losing Harry suddenly flowed through my head. "Why." It barely came out as my throat felt as though it was beginning to swell and stop me from speaking. "I-I love you." I whispered as I began to break down in the empty hallways.

"I-I loved you. At one point. Now I don't anymore."  I began to cry more and more with each word as I watched him back away, tears still fresh in his eyes. "We can't be together." I shook my head and fell to my knees.

"Harry please don't do this!" I cried as I felt my legs numb. "Is someone blackmailing you! Please! I can see the pain in your eyes... Don't do this... please." I cried quietly as he shook his head.

"We're not meant to be together... Just forget about me... Forget about everything we had." With that he walked off. I pushed myself against the lockers and cried very hard as he grew smaller and smaller in view. That's the thing. How can I forget when he gave me so much to remember. How can I forget when he was the first person to teach me how to really love not only other people, but myself.

"Harry... I can't forget you..." I whispered and I cried louder and louder. The pain growing stronger and stronger. I knew he couldn't hear me, but I just knew in his eyes he dind't want to say that to me. I just know it. "Harry I love you." I saw Carmen limping with her broken leg cast. Her arm cast was taken off because it healed amazingly quickly. Strange I know. She saw me and quickly limped faster to me.

"Faith what's wrong?" She questioned as she threw her books on the ground.

"H-Harry." Was all I would squeak out of my suddenly dry mouth. She nodded slowly as she waited.

"What about Harry? I s he ok?" She questioned more worried now but the sound of his name made my heart break even more.

"H-he broke up with me." I said very quietly and anger flashed through her eyes as she stood up and picked up her books again. " Where are you going?" I questioned with my vision a bit blurry from all the crying.

"Just making a little visit. We do have next period with him of course. Therefore I think I should get some good interrogating out of him as to why he had broken up with you." I shook my head as I cleaned up my face and stood up to help her.

"No. I-I just don't think it's the best time for me. It hurts to much." Another tear fell from my eyes as I put her arm over my shoulder and helped her up the stairs.

"When do you think it will be a good time for you?" I shrugged as I was in deep thought.

"Whenever I can find the courage to speak to him again." She shook her head and let out a frustrated sigh. "I may have a broken leg, but my fist are still in business if you want speak with them." I didn't even crack a smile. "He hurt you that bad huh." I nodded and looked down as we made it to the door. "I won't speak to him." She finished as she looked at me and hugged me sweetly. "I promise." I nodded on her shoulder and opened the door.

"Sorry we're late Mrs. Clark, I was just helping Carmen up the stairs." She nodded and smiled.

"It's ok sweet heart. We were just about to start." I nodded and sat Carmen down at her seat then moved to mine. I ignored his glare, as he sat next to me and I found myself ready to break down again. I looked over to Carmen and she gave me a sympathetic look. I sighed as a silent tear fell.

"Harry." Mrs. Clark called and I found myself paying attention once I realized she was talking now. "Faith and your project was amazing." I gave her a weak, fake smile as I found myself enable to smile about anything now. As my mom used to say when I was a child, a fake smile could hide a thousand tears.

"Thanks." We both replied and I immediately looked down at my paper again. I felt Harry's gaze burning into the side of my head again and I found my eyes watering again. I quickly rose my hand and asked to be excused to the bathroom. Soon enough I found myself in the bathroom, crying. Once again, feeling weak and helpless.

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