Why Does Love Have to Be So... Complicated?

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Faith's P.O.V.***

I felt my eyes burn as I tried to focus my eyes sight to the light in the dimly lit room. I tried to scream but it came out muffled with cries as they had put a rag in my mouth. I through my head back as I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes. Moments like these I wish I had Harry. I should have listened to him. I knew he still loved me and I was to selfish and stupid to realize that. Why do I have to be so stubborn! I groaned but over my groan I heard a light cry. I carefully scoped the room to see if anyone else was in here with me. I saw another girl in the corner who seemed to be tied up as well. Once my eyes adjusted I felt my eyes widen as I screamed out her name.

"Carmen!" I tried to yell but came out once again muffled. I saw her look at me with shock as she tried to yell my name to.


Carmen's P.O.V.***

***Earlier that day

I began to walk away from when I spot Zayn's car drive past me. I'm sure he didn't notice and if he did stop to try and confront me I wouldn't have talked to him anyways. I began to walk down a dimly lit valley to make my way home before I heard some ruffling behind me. I looked behind feeling my heart pound, but it called as I saw Niall approach me with a smirk on his face and his hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes as a small smirk appeared on my face, showing I'm not impressed.

"What do you want Horan." I saw his smirk grow as he walked closer inclosing the space between us.

"You can't just walk off, leaving a man to want more." I felt his breath against my lips as I rolled my eyes. Typical boy hormones.

"It was just a mistake, something I did over anger, get over it Horan." I smirked as I pushed past him.

"Tell me why I don't believe you." He questioned as he gripped my arm and pulled me back up against his body were our lips were inches apart.

"I didn't say you had to, but I don't like you like that, I don't know why I did that." I shrugged and I pulled my arm, or at least tried but his grip was to tight, and it was tightening even more.

"You know you like me Carmen! Why won't you admit it!" He yelled flustered as his grip tightened and I tried to hold back a yelp. That was going to bruise later...

"I have nothing to admit Niall! I don't like you now please you were just confusing me! Please let my arm go it hurts!" I pleaded as I tried to pull away once again but having no luck with that. I felt tears sting my eyes as a group of his friend started coming down the alley. "What the hell is going on!" I yelled flustered. He didn't answer so I did what any frightened girl who though she was going to be raped did. Kicked the boy in his no-no square he yelled in pain and his friends began to run to his side as I ran the other way around the alley into a forest.

"Get her!" I heard Niall voice from a distance and I began to run even faster, not caring if I was running out of breathe. I heard footstep behind me but from a good distance so I tried to find a place to hide. I saw a hollow, small log ahead and I decided to duck down in that and hide. I tried to hold my breathe because of how loud I was panting. I heard unfamiliar voices whisper in question of where I was and then I heard footsteps get quieter and quieter. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the worst as tears began to fall. I squeezed my eyes and wished I could just turn invisible. I heard it go quiet then I silently prayed and thanked god. I opened my eyes and looked up to see someone's arms yanking me out. I screamed as I tried to shake out of whoevers grip it was but it wasn't working.

"Help!" I yelled but soon a cloth was placed over my mouth and my cries were more muffled as I breathed in the strong fumes. I felt my eyes lids get heavy as the figure she me in my ears to stop my from yelling and crying.

"Zayn." I cried before everything went blurry, and soon black.

Faith's P.O.V.***

***Current Time

I moved  my chair as I tried to maneuver my way around to Carmen, but having major troubles considering how my legs were tied together as well. I saw a spark of hope flash through Carmen's eyes as she saw me and she tried to move closer as well. We both stopped when we heard ruffling form the other side of the door. We both looked at the door when we saw the door knob move. Soon the door open and walked in the two boys I guess we both could say we never despised so much at the moment. Louis and Niall. They both had smirks on their face as they walked in.

"Hello their ladies!" Louis said as he came and sat down in front of me. "How are things going." I sarcastically laughed as Niall took a seat in front of Carmen. "I think we should take these little cloths off their mouth. What do you say Nialler?" Louis questioned with a smirk as Niall nodded. "Yell, and things will only get worse for you." Louis whispered in my ears as he nibbled on it seductively. I felt shivers go down my spine, but trust me, not the good kind. I felt the cloth come off of my mouth and I didn't bother to scream as Louis told me not to. I was afraid of what we had in come already. I could tell Carmen was just as scared as me when I looked over.

"Why are you doing this Louis?" I whispered as I looked away from his blue eyes burning into my green ones.

"What do you mean beautiful? You belong with me. I'm your boyfriend aren't I? Don't you love me?" I scoffed at his remark and I could tell that little smirk he had on his face grew.

"I love Harry..." I whispered under my breath so he couldn't here me. I guess I didn't whisper it quiet enough.

"How could you love Styles?! I'm better looking! I was there for you when he broke your heart!" He yelled in anger. I looked up into his flustered eyes.

"I don't believe Harry meant for it to happen if he didn't receive the text form someone. That someone being you Louis. It was you who sent those text messages all along wasn't it!? You told Harry to break up with me! And he did it to keep me safe!" I felt tears burn my eyes as the riddle of the puzzle now fit together. The smirk that left his face was now back.

"Your a smart girl you are Faith. I didn't plan for you to figure out the riddle this clear, but it's obvious now isn't it? And as I said, if I can't have you... no one can." He whispered as he stood up and kissed my cheek.

"Harry will save me..." He stood there and laughed with his back turned to me.

"Trust me, Styles, is anything but your 'knight' in shining armor, you deserve better." Louis quietly replied and now I was the one so laugh sarcastically.

"I couldn't have asked for Harry to be anymore than who he is. Don't you think I know he's not a knight in shining armor who could have saved me from you, Niall, and Zayn form terrorizing me when I was younger, and I would have loved if he had stopped it then, but he did eventually. Your no where near my knight Louis. Harry is, and always will be my knight in shining armor. What done in the dark... comes to the light." I whispered the last part as hair fell along my face when I looked down.

"We'll see about that." With that Louis walked off leaving with Niall walking behind him. Yeah, we'll see about that.


I really hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and sorry for once again updating so late! So much homework and me just being the lazy person I am I just procrastinate! -_- I'm sorry but hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to ----> VOTE! COMMENT! OR FAN me if you really liked it trust me it helps a lot! So hope you enjoyed it!!!


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