chapter 1: the rain of terror is my wake up call

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why do i even try to find a decent guy in this world. i mean for me a guy is a guy but a ass hole is what you call my ex-boyfriend adam. he is the biggest bitch i have ever meet and him and sindeny deserve each other alot. in this world there are lots of boys. there are skater boys, rocker, boys , jerks, and then... there are boys who understand why you do the stupid things you do. lets go a day back to where all of the camotion began.

"i hate you you jerk face and wish you and sindeny bad luck!" ok... thats a little far ahead i said a day back not 11:00pm on the phone yelling a day back. try going to 8 in the morning. there you go thats better now back to the danm story. adam was picking me up from my house to go to school.

"you siked that today is the last day of school until summer brake?"

"hell yeah im supper glad." but im not happy that i have to go to my dads during the summer. well at least tonight ill have fun with you. as soon as we park adam turns around and faces me.

"yeah about that i have plans with someone and cant make it but text me your dads adress and ill meet you there." the rest of the day went by quick and before i knew it it was 9th period. my last class of the day. when walking down to math class i see adam and sideny leanig against a locker embracing each other. sideny was my friend since freshman year in highschool and now is my back stabbing ex- best friend. why didnt i listen when everyone warned me she was a man stealer. he leans in and kissed her on the neck then licks her ear leading down to and in her mouth. that bitch! i storm over there and smack adam.

"you jerk i trusted you and then you go around kissing this piece of crap!" my voice was so loud some people walking by heard me and turned around to give me concerened looks. i turn my attention to sideny who was about to get her ass beat. i smack her in the face then punch her making her left eye swell up.

"next time you want to betray me make sure its not me you have to deal with!" i storm off leaving behind a swarm of people taking pictures and laughing at sideny telling her they told her so or saying i beat her ass. they were right i did beat the crap out of her. i walk out the school and head home. an hour after i got home the principle called my mom and told her what had happend.

" raven i know your mad but really i mean you just had to punch the girl."

"yes and if she wants more than i got another fist with that bitches name on it." my mom just rolls her eyes and tells me to not do it again.

"you leave for your dads tomorrow morning so make sur to pack your bag." that was the last thig she said to me before heading down the stairs.

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