dylan when ...

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he sees you, a fan in the audience, crying at the sight of your favourite actor

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he sees you, a fan in the audience, crying at the sight of your favourite actor.

dylan spots you and waves, "don't cry." he mouths so as not to interrupt the interview that was taking place on stage.

knowing that dylan had acknowledged your existence made you nearly cry more but you stopped and smiled. you waved back, giving him a thumbs up to let him know you were okay in which he smiled in return.

after the interview had finished he got up to leave, and a sadness swept over you that you might never see your idol again.

as you stood up from your seat and turned to go, there in front of you was the one and only dylan o'brien.

"hi i'm dylan," he said softly, introducing himself as if you didn't know who he was already, "i saw you crying and i had to make sure you were okay."

your emotions were all over the place but you managed to stay calm, "i'm y/n... and i'm more than okay, it means the world to me that you even came down here just to check on a fan."

dylan smiled, "you wanna get a picture?"

"yes!" you said a little too excitedly, "sorry... it's just i've been a fan of yours for a long time."

"i appreciate that, y/n... thank you so much." he said, taking your phone as you handed it to him. you knew if you took them they'd come out blurry due to how much you were shaking.

he held up your phone and stepped closer to you, his hand placed on your back — when he noticed how much you were shaking he rubbed your back calmly.

"it's okay, it's just me." he whispered before snapping a few selfies on your phone and handing it back to you.

"thank you, dylan. thank you so much." you said.

"no, thank you." he replied, smiling.

before he left he gave you a tight hug and waved as one of his security guards ushered him through the exit.

you'd never forget the day you finally got to meet dylan o'brien.

i hope one day we all get the chance to meet him — but until then enjoy this fan imagine, a little different than the usual dylan meeting a fan and falling in love with them imagines. :)

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