Chapter 3

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After making it home, you spent the rest of the day looking into how to stay away from him. You didn't have a lot of savings and you wouldn't be able to break your apartment rental contract. You had put applications in at a few other jobs. Hoping if you got another job, you'd fall back into oblivion and he couldn't find you.

While looking at job ads you caught yourself daydreaming and getting lost in thoughts of his blue eyes. You shook yourself out of it when you realized you were wondering what it would be like to be wrapped in his arms. Getting back on task, even though it was half-heartedly after your daydreams, you were pretty successful in finding a few prospects.

**Time skip 1 day later**

You clocked in Hey Ang! How's the morning been?

Angela smiled a greeting. "Hey! It's good, girl. Jimmy's here this morning- he just sat down."

"Oh good! I was worried when he didn't come in the last few days." You looked over, catching Jimmy's eye and gave him a wave. He waved back, giving you a smile back.

"He was asking for you, I sat him in your section and let him know you should be in soon."

"Thanks Ang!" You had been worried when Jimmy hadn't been in for a few days. Jimmy was one of your regulars, an elderly gentleman that you had started chatting with because he'd sit for hours in a window booth just people watching. He was funny and always had a good story, especially about being saved by Captain America. He never gave a lot of details because it was obviously painful to remember, but he always told you how after being captured Captain America had come to the rescue. After that first rescue, he had apparently started fighting with the Captain's special unit, the Howling Commandos. He loved telling the stories of fighting in the war with the legendary soldier.

Before you could head over, Angela giggled catching your attention. "Oh....the soulmate guy is back and he brought friends."

Your wrist tingles and burns as you look over to see the blonde man come in with a brunette man that is of similar build and a beautiful redhead. You had hoped you'd have a few more days before he came back. You sighed and made a non-comital noise as you headed to Jimmy's table, hoping they wouldn't sit in your section.

Leaning your hip on the booth back across from Jimmy you smiled down at him. "Hey handsome, where have you been?"

Jimmy laughed "Well Doll, the doctor made me stay home. Said something about blood pressure or white blood cell count or something." Waving his hand, as if pushing the thoughts away. "But enough about me, have you found your soulmate yet?"

Y/N looked at him concerned. "Jimmy, it's not just something if the doctor made you stay home?! Are you sure you're ok?"

Jimmy smirked at her. "I'm right as rain. Now don't dodge the question, did you find them yet?"

Y/N playfully smacked his shoulder. "No tingles yet!" you hated lying to him of all people because he'd been so kind.

Jimmy shook his head. "Hmpf, well, it'll happen."

Y/N shifted uncomfortably, "Maybe, but I'm not going to wait around pinning for it to. You want your regular?"

Jimmy nodded. "Definitely, Hon. Thank you."

"You got it." You give him a playful wink and tap your pad. Turning around to see the three had sat in your section. Stalling slightly you drop off Jimmy's food ticket. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves before you walk over. You walk over plastering a smile on your face as you reach the table.

"Morning! How are you folks today?"

Steve gave you a bright smile. "We're good, thanks."

You took in the table, the dark haired man looked up at you and smiled. The redhead looked at you as if sizing you up. Her intense gaze made you nervous.

Shifting nervously, "Are you ready to order, or would you like to start off with drinks first?"

Steve looks at the others, "I'm ready, you guys?" The other two nod in agreement. As they're placing their orders, you catch a glimpse of the brunette man's arm- it's metal. Your breath catches slightly at the oddity because you feel like you should know him but you finish with taking their orders. "Great, I'll be right back with your drinks."

You walk to the counter to put in their order and then it hits you. Metal arm, redhead and muscular blonde man. It was Captain America, the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow. Your pulse skyrocketed - holy shit- your soulmate was Captain America. You feel a slight panic. Even if you had wanted to find your soulmate, you couldn't have been with him. You've kept completely off the radar, and now that the accords had been signed, you needed to keep it that way. 

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