Part 13

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** Y/N's POV

Explosions shocked you awake. The room shook. Hoping the door would unlatch, you pulled at the handle but it held firm. There was nowhere to hide in your cell, so you sit on the bed waiting for something to happen. After the explosions the silence was heavy and eerie. All I could do was sit there and wait. I heard voices outside my door before I heard it open, I curled in on myself trying to make myself small. The door swung open slowly, and I saw two familiar faces. The red head and the Winter Soldier. I gasped and sat up. He quickly came toward me, kneeling down on my level a few steps away from me.

Bucky spoke softly, cautiously, "Y/N? Hey you might not rememb-"

I didn't give him a chance to finish, I threw my arms around his neck in a relieved hug and letting out a relieved sob. Pulling back I gave him a watery smile. "How could I forget one of the men that made Jimmy happy?"

Bucky gives Nat a confused side eye and uncomfortably pats my back. " Um.. well, it's nice to know we made an impression." He pulls back slightly, his eyes running over me, checking for injuries. "Are you ok?"

I nodded, "Just some bruises and maybe a cracked rib. It hurts to breathe a little but if you get me outta here, I will be fine."

Nat grins at me. "You got it girl. Let's go."

Nat takes my hand and starts leading me out of the room. I can hear Bucky talking behind me. I can tell that he's talking to Steve and my heart jumps in excitement. Bucky's demeanor changes and he swears.

Thru his clenched jaw, he spits out. "We're on our way. The hospital's not far." Catching up to Nat and I, he explains, "Steve's hurt. Sam said he's unconscious."

I stop short, my breath catching and look at Bucky. "Steve...he's..."

Bucky misread my body language and what I was going to say, his expression hardened. He took hold of my other arm and started pulling me forward. "Yea. Look, we don't have time. He's hurt. We know you ran but we don't have ti-"

I hold up my hand, cutting him off. After my dream and this experience, I had accepted my fate- good or bad, no matter how scared I was- I was done running. "I'll explain all that. It doesn't matter now. He can't die. I...I can help him."

Nat and Bucky share a look without breaking stride. Nat pins you with a look, "How can you help?"

You meet her gaze. "It's a long story and part of the reason I ran, but I can heal him."

Nat and Bucky don't ask any more questions. They seem to accept my claim and we start to hurry down the hallway. I'm limping but keeping up as best I can. Bucky reaches out and grabs me, slinging me on his back. I grunt in pain. "Sorry, Y/N. It'll be faster. Sam said it's bad."

I nod and loop my arms around him. "It's ok, I've felt worse. Just get me to him."

Nat nods to Bucky, "Go, I'll be right behind you."

Bucky takes off running at super soldier speed. He rounds a few corners and jumps down a stair well. A few minutes later I see Sam leaning over Steve holding pressure on the wound. Bucky let me down and I fell to the ground at Steve's side.

Running my hand above just above him. I can sense the internal injury. "I need to touch his skin. You have to cut his uniform."

Bucky was on the other side of Steve and without hesitation he expertly used his knife to slice the material. Peeling the material back you can feel both Bucky and Sam watching you.

You can tell Sam and Bucky are having a quiet conversation but you ignore them. Taking a deep breath, you slowly press your hands around the knife wound on Steve's chest. The contact with his bare skin jolts you, the soulmate bond giving you full body goose bumps. You push it to the back of your mind. You need to focus, you can't lose him. You'll need a longer song because of how deep the wound is. You choose a sad Irish Ballard and start to hum. The energy pulses through you, at first it looks like nothing is happening but you can feel it. The internal tissue is repaired first and then slowly the visible tissue.

The entire healing took less than 5 minutes. When you finished, Steve wasn't conscious yet but his body was healed from the knife wound. You started to collapse forward but two strong arms caught you. You looked over to see Bucky holding you up. You nodded in thanks, at least you think you did, before you passed out from exerting so much energy.

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