Chapter 9

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*Y/N's POV*

*A few days after Y/N quit the diner.*

My alarm blared, pulling me awake. I only fell asleep a few hours ago and had just finally gotten into a deep sleep. I hit the snooze. My phone chimed again and I come awake with a start realizing I must have hit it multiple times because now I was running late for work. Which was not good since it was only my third day there. Rushing through my morning routine but exhaustion weighed me down and made me sluggish. I was barely sleeping or eating. Even though I had succeeded in avoiding him after leaving the diner, he kept haunting my dreams.

Sighing, I gave my apartment one last look trying to make sure I hadn't forgotten anything before leaving. Walking to work in the brisk fall weather should have been invigorating. It was sunny but cool. Perfect weather. The oppressive cloud over my head felt anything but perfect. I was hoping it was just the change to a new job and leaving my friends from the diner, especially Jimmy, but you had a nagging feeling that this despondency was from the soulmate bond.

With music flowing through my headphones, I get lost in my thoughts. I kept finding myself studying the unfinished mark on my wrist. I was jolted out of a daydream about him when I bump into someone on the sidewalk. Before I can apologize, the person seems to have disappeared. Looking around I realized I'd lost track of where I was going and I'd walked too far.

I'd passed the deli/store I had started working at and was now in front of the creepy medical office down the road. For some reason it gave me the hibi-jibies. I always saw people going in but never saw people leaving. I turned around to go back but had only taken a couple steps before my body felt weak and suddenly everything went black.

**Time skip hours later**

I woke up groggy and disoriented on a cot in a concrete room with a metal door. Looking around realization dawned that I'd somehow gotten from walking on the street to work to being locked in a cell.

Mumbling to my "What the fuck?"

Looking around I don't see my bag. I sit up, dizziness causing me to sway and grip the edge of the mattress. To stay up right she leans back against the cold concrete wall. My hand brushes my pants and feel cotton instead of jeans, my head spins when I see that I'm no longer in my street clothes and have been changed into scrubs.

A metal scraping breaks the silence surrounding her. A man in a lab coat walks in with two large guards behind him.

"Hello Y/N, it's so lovely to have you here." The doctor's smile didn't meet his cold eyes.

I didn't return his smile. "Um... it's not lovely to be here. Where is 'here' exactly?"

He chuckled at my directness. "Hmm... feisty. I'm going to have fun with you. Well,my dear when I ran your blood I found you have an anomaly in your blood. It looks like some mutant or enhanced DNA. Tell me, do you have any type of powers or have they not manifested yet?"

I stared at him in disgusted shock. "You took my blood and you changed my clothes?! What the hell is WRONG with you?"

He made a humorless chuckle and tsked me, "No, no my dear. I ask the questions, don't try to redirect the conversation. Do you have powers?"

I shake my head and shrug one shoulder up, refusing to give him a reaction. "I can't ask questions...yea...screw you."

He rolls his eyes at my defiance. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way." He motions to the men behind him.

The two men advance on me and pull me up off the bed. One holds you while the other lands multiple blows. The pain explodes across your face, stomach and ribs. The doctor watches smugly in the doorway for a few minutes. "Enough. Ms. Y/N, I have others to check in with. I'll be back tomorrow. You can think about your answer to my question."

The man holding your arms releases you and you collapse on the floor. When the door closes, you flick your hair out of your face and glare at the door. You use the sleeve of the scrubs to wipe the blood off your face. If he thought that pitiful attempt at a beating was going to make your answer change he was sorely mistaken.

I sigh in pain and frustration. "Shit, now how do I get out of this."

Your inner voice taunts you ~If you had only completed the soulmate bond, he might know something's wrong.~

You roll your eyes at yourself. "Ugh, shut it! You're supposed to help me, not be annoying....great now I'm talking to myself."

Crawling up onto the bed, you fell forward onto the hard mattress. Pain radiates through your whole body. You didn't want to fall asleep, not yet because you needed to look around and try to plan a way out. But your body had other ideas. After the drugging and the beating you passed out quickly, drifting into the black abyss of sleep.

~~Dream sequence~~

Standing on a pebbled beach that faded into the mountain lake with the sun bouncing off the surface shining like diamonds. You felt him behind you before his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you back close to him. He kissed your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder.

His deep voice soothed you. "Will we ever get here?"

You lean back into him taking comfort from it, even though you know it's a dream. "There's so much against us. So much you don't know."

He kissed your neck, "I know, but you know who I am, right? Long shot odds are sorta my thing."

You smiled and leaned into him, kissing his cheek. "I know sweetie, but I'm not sure if you'll want me when you know it all."

"The universe made me for you and you for me. That's all I need to know." He holds you a little tighter.

A tear slips down your cheek. "I wish it was all that simple."

"It is for me." He turned his face into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath. "Baby, you have to wake up now. Just hold on." I felt him kiss my neck one more time before his warmth was replaced by cold and pain seeping into my bones as I was pulled awake.

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