Part 7

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Y/N's POV ~ Time skip 1 week

Much to Angela's delight, and your frazzled nerves, Steve and Bucky came in almost every day for the next week to see Jimmy. Steve constantly being there was putting you on edge because you'd catch him looking at you. If you were being honest with yourself, you knew Steve had figured it out. You let out a small sigh of relief as you approached Jimmy's table because it looked like it was just Jimmy today.

You smiled as you approached Jimmy's table. "Good morning handsome!"

Jimmy gives you a grin "Y/N, hon how are you?"

"Jimmy, any day I see you is a good day." You lean against the edge of the booth back.

Jimmy gives her a pointed look. "You found that soulmate of yours yet?"

You give him a wink "Jimmy, my answer hasn't changed yet." You kept your answer vague, not wanting to lie to him but you couldn't tell him the truth.

While answering you felt the telltale tingle in your wrist. Your slight panic must have shown on your face. Jimmy gave you a funny look. "You alright, Hon?"

"Jimmy, I'm right as rain. Do you want the usual?"

Jimmy gave her a look like he didn't quite believe her but grinned at her. "My answer hasn't changed yet."

You laughed with him at him throwing your own answer back at you. You started to walk to the next table when Steve spoke directly behind you. "Morning, Y/N."

You didn't realize he'd gotten so close to you. You jumped and turned, almost losing your balance. Steve reached toward you to steady you but you caught your balance and did a quick step back not allowing him to touch you.

Your heart felt like it was beating a million miles a minute and when you spoke you sounded breathless. "Morning Steve..." seeing another man behind him "and Steve's friend. I was about to get Jimmy's coffee, want me to bring one for you guys?"

You saw the flash of sadness pass over Steve's face before he hid it and smiled. You knew he wanted to touch you and complete the soulmate bond. You took another step back, adding more distance between the two of you just to be sure he didn't try to touch you.

Steve gave a soft sigh and then his smile returned. "Yes, for me. You want one, Sam?"

Sam gave you a nod and a smile. "Have I ever turned down coffee?"

Steve chuckled at his reply. "Not since I've known you. One for each of us please."

You nodded. "Coming right up."

After dropping off their coffees you took a few calming breaths and gave yourself a mental pep talk. You could do this. You were almost done, what only your boss knew was you had put in your notice and today was your last shift.

You walked to another table at the other end of your section while your mind was elsewhere. Normally, you'd have noticed that these were not the normal clientele for your diner. They appeared to be in town for a special event. You missed the lecherous vibes that they were sending out.

It wasn't until after approaching the table and standing directly in front of them that you realized they were going to be trouble. The four men leered at you as you looked down at them to take their order.

You put on your happy server face. "Good morning! Are you ready to order?"

The man at the edge of the booth closest to you gives you a greasy grin. "Only if you're on the menu, Gorgeous."

You give a fake chuckle, "Nope. The menu has a some of the best breakfast foods in Brooklyn."

The man sitting across from the first man leans toward you. "Nah, Gorgeous. The best breakfast would be what you make me after we spend the night together."

Before you can react to his disgusting suggestion, you see Steve in the corner of your eye move from his booth across the diner. He's angry and moving fast. He's in Captain America mode and appears ready to beat the four of these snickering jackals to the curb. I step to the side, out of his way just as he gets to the table. He's staring down at them. I lean to the side and catch Joey, my boss', attention. I can see he's already sensing an issue and is coming over.

Steve leans down on the table making eye contact with all four of them before speaking. "Don't speak to her like that. You don't get to come in here to her place of work and disrespect her. She might be too nice to say it, but I will. Learn some manners or leave."

Sam had gotten up and was standing just off to the side behind Steve. He kept glancing over at you, obviously trying to keep an eye on you while Steve dealt with the men. Joey came sidling over.

Joey touched your arm to catch your attention, "Y/N, are these punks bothering you?"

You gave Joey a small smile. Joey was a lot of things, crass, snarky and a bit cheap but his best quality was his protectiveness. He allowed no one to disrespect his staff. Before you could answer, Steve turned around. "They made lewd comments and tried to proposition her for-."

Joey moves next to Steve and pats his shoulder. "I get what you're sayin'. Boys, there's the door. I hope it hits you on the way out. And if you don't leave now, I'll let him throw you out."

You take a few more steps back from what appears to be a fight brewing. You stand next to Angela. Rae, another waitress is clocking in and comes to stand next to you.

Rae's eyes are wide taking in the whole scene. She leans over whispering to you and Angela, "What is going on?"

Angela snorts in disgust, "Those boys were being pigs and trying to get in Y/N's pants and the blonde Adonis is not having it. Joey's pissed and kicking them out."

You realize this is the perfect opportunity to get out of there. Steve will want to speak to you after this. You have a feeling this will be the conversation where he will force the issue of being your soulmate. You feel like the walls are closing in on you and you need to get out. "Hey Rae, you want all my tips from this morning?"

Rae gives you a shocked side eye, "Girl, what?"

You nod, "My shift ends in 15 minutes. I'll give you my apron with all my tips if you cover my tables."

Rae gives you a shrug. "Sure, for 15 minutes? I'd be stupid to say no."

You hand Rae your apron. "It's all in there."

You ignore Angela's questioning look as you slip into the back while the commotion with Steve, Joey and those guys is going on. You grab your stuff and start to head out through the kitchen. Angela is leaning against a counter. 

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