Chapter 4

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**Steve's POV**

Something changed while we put our orders in. It was like a little light of recognition that she quickly hid. Her brow furrowed slightly and she bit her lip. I almost groaned aloud when she bit her lip. The action made me want to soothe that lower lip with my own.

Nat furrowed her brow. "Steve, are you sure? That girl didn't give any indication that she felt anything."

"Yea, man." Bucky fiddled with his napkin while watching her.

Steve sighed, "I know, that's why I brought you guys. It seems weird, right? But last time I was here the feeling ended when she left. When I ran after her it came back."

Steve's POV Flashback

The tingling in my wrist started to fade. I stared at it, almost frantic because I hadn't found them yet. I started looking around and wondering what the soulmate radius was when the tingling lessened to a stop. I felt my stomach drop. Even though I knew they were gone, I kept looking around. I noticed that I couldn't see my waitress anymore and was a little confused that a different waitress was coming over with his order.

Angela smiled as she sat the plate in front of me. "Here you go."

I started to have a feeling in my gut about the other waitress. "The other waitress, did she leave?"

Angela nodded, "Yea, Y/N was only covering a part of my shift."

Realization washed over me but I needed to test my theory. "Can you save my table, I'll be right back." Before she could protest, I reached into my pocket and dropped a $50 on the table. She gave me a strange look but nodded agreement.

Running outside I felt a slight tingle pointing me to the right. I ran toward the feeling. I'd gone a few blocks when the tingle came back full force. I saw her up ahead, satisfaction filling my chest followed quickly by confusion. She had to of known that I was her soulmate. I even asked her about it. I watched her stop, and start looking around. I jumped into an alley, hiding from view. My mind was racing. Why didn't she say anything? The best bet right now is to do some recon and talk to her co-worker.

When I returned to the diner, Angela had brought my plate back over to me. "Here, I kept it warm for you." She shot me a smile before rushing off to another table. I tried a few times to discreetly get information from the other waitress, but the diner had picked up and I couldn't speak with her.

They knew the story, I'd already told them multiple times. Nat shook her head, stumped. "Steve, it's not that we don't believe you. It's just really weird, most people are excited to find their soulmate. If she's being this closed off to it then there's a reason and if you don't want her to run then you need to approach this REALLY carefully."

Bucky was watching Y/N bring food to an older man at a booth on the other side of the diner. "Steve, that guy she's talking to...Steve, do you get the feeling we know him?"

I glanced over my shoulder and when looking at the man smiling up at her in a fatherly way felt a weird sense of recognition. "Yea, maybe... could be we saw him on a mission. He does look vaguely familiar."

Bucky scrunched his face and shook his head. "No...that's not it...but...I just can't remember."

Nat reaches out and gives Bucky's hand a reassuring squeeze, smiling softly at him. "It's ok, it'll come to you."

I watched the waitress come back with their order, my stomach did a little somersault in anticipation of speaking to her. I smiled at her, hoping she'd relax. As she placed their order, she looked nervous and started to speak. Normally, she didn't initiate any conversation, other than standard greetings and taking of orders. I started getting excited, hoping this was when she'd finally admit that she was my soulmate. 

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