Part 10

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The noise that pulled me from the dream that I desperately wanted to stay in was my cell door opening. Dragging my head toward the noise, I watched the doctor and goons from before. Groaning I tried to sit up, the twinging pain radiating through me barely let me get to a sitting position.

"Well, Y/N. It is lovely to see you this morning. I do have to say my dear, you do not look well. Now, do you have an answer for my question?" The doctor's fake pleasantness was laced with condescension.

Staring back at him, I knew what was coming if I didn't give him the answers he sought. My mind flickered back to the last words dream and Steve's plea for me to 'Hold on'. Was it a premonition...I hadn't had one of those in a long time and I didn't have a lot of trust for other people but something made me feel the need to place all my faith in him. Well, it wasn't the first time I'd taken a beating while bruised, so I was going to hold on for him.

Stealing my nerves as best I could, I smirked "I forgot, what did you ask?"

The doctor dropped his façade. "Don't get smart with me girlie. Have your powers manifested yet?"

"Power's? What the hell did you smoke before you came in here? People don't have powers.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't have patience for your antics. Stop playing dumb."

I smiled, getting under his skin was too easy. "You kidnap me off the street and then demand information from me. Yea... screw you."

The doctor merely dipped his head before the goons were on me. It was the same as before, one held me up while the other used his fists on my face and torso. I only took about 10 hits before the doctor called them off. I think he only wanted me to taste the pain but not be really hurt. He probably needed subjects in decent condition to test on them. Too bad for him I wasn't a stranger to this type of pain.

"Y/N, your answer better be different next time. I don't want to experiment on you until I know if your powers have manifested because the experiments will be different. I don't want to waste my time or skew my results."

This time when the goon let me go, I shifted my weight and thankfully fell onto my cot. I watched them go before using my sleeve to wipe my face. I stared at the wall feeling numb. Holding out hope that my dream was something more. I closed my eyes hoping to rest. I didn't know how much time had gone by when I was woken by the sounds of explosions and yelling.

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