Chapter 6

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**Steve's POV

I've been quiet the entire way back to the tower. I'm not sure what to say and I'm getting more frustrated thinking about it. She's my soulmate, I thought I'd never find her and now she will barely look at me. Nat and Bucky kept stealing glances at me but I can't bring myself to talk to them yet.

We're getting out of the elevator when I can't keep it in anymore, "I just don't get it. I feel it clear as day. Nat, are you sure she knows?"

Nat gives me a sad smile, I know she's right, she's Nat- Natasha Romonaff, the most elite spy. She can read people better than anyone I know. "Steve, I'm as sure as I can be without her actually saying the words.

Bucky gives a snort and rolls his eyes. "Come on, Nat, that means it's definite - you read people better than anyone." Bucky's words mirror my thoughts but I just don't want to believe she wouldn't want me for some reason.

Tony and Bruce are watching the three of us approach with interest. Tony speaks up first, "Don't understand what, Capsicle?"

I ignore his annoying nickname and sigh in frustration. I'm going to need him to help me, which means I have to tell him about my soulmate. I'm never going to hear the end of this, Tony loves to tease me, "I...found my soulmate."

Tony and Bruce both look surprised but in a happy way. "That's great! Surprising that you have one but great!" Tony is all smiles as he holds his coffee mug up in a toast to me.

Bruce looks at the three of us more closely, "You found your soulmate. That's exciting, Steve but you don't seem excited. What's wrong?"

Nat rubs my arm in support, "She's a waitress at Melbourne's Diner on 15th st. Steve's gone there a few times and we went there today but each time she pretends there is no soulmate bond."

Bruce looked confused, "What do you mean pretends there's no soulmate bond?"

I down at the ground feeling defeated, "She acts like she doesn't feel the tingle, which every time I go feels more pronounced and I'm drawn to her."

Tony scrunched up his face, "Hmm....maybe she doesn't know. Have you said anything to her?"

I don't have time to answer when Bucky speaks up. "Yea, he mentioned the last time he was there that he was looking for his soulmate who he could tell was nearby and she didn't say anything. But Nat did her super-spy voodoo today, and it's obvious she knows."

Bruce crossed his arms and looked at Tony, "Well, that's weird."

Tony nodded and ran his hand through his hair before taking a drink of coffee. "Yea, I've never heard of someone not wanting their soulmate. What's her name?"

"It's Y/N." Hope flares in my chest that maybe he can find her or help somehow.

Tony is quiet for a few seconds looking at me expectantly, "Aaannnd a last name?"

I look at the ground sheepishly, "I don't know. I've only ever gotten a first name."

Bruce chuckles, "Wow Steve, I knew you were not great a talking to women but you didn't get your soulmates last name?" He winks at me so I know he's not trying to be mean just making a joke.

Tony, Bucky and Nat join him in laughing.

I roll my eyes at them, "Yea, yea. Laugh it up. How am I supposed to ask the woman who basically ran away from me because she is denying the soulmate bond what her last name is. Yea, she wouldn't find that creepy or weird at all." I grin and chuckle with them breaking the tension.

Tony slaps the counter and grins "Ohhhh... a challenge. Alright, first off, Friday, are there any cameras on 15th near the Melbourne Diner?:

Friday's voice fills the room, "Yes, sir. There are three that I can access."

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