13- banned and detained

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Bakugo was in a bad mood. Scratch that, he was pissed off.

After leaving the cafeteria table he went ahead and walked around hoping to bump into you. There wasn't that much time left before the bell for the next class rang.

From across the hall, he could see you sitting on a bench with some purple haired freak.

Without thinking, he angrily stomped towards your direction. He looked down to meet your gaze.

"Bakugo! What's up." He ignored how he immediately felt better. "I have to talk to you."

He did?

"Oh, about what?" You asked. You looked towards Shinso he was sitting next to you. "By the way this is-"

"Don't care." Bakugo grabbed your hand before you could finish.

"Wait Bakugo, are you okay?" You stumbled behind him.


He continued to lead you through the hallway, "Where are we going?" You asked

He didn't answer you.

You rolled your eyes and pulled your hand out of his grasp, "I don't appreciate this. What's wrong?"

Bakugo tsked, "Nothing."

You stayed silent, "Well, see you around I guess."

"Wait, I was hoping..." the blonde started, "that we can train again sometime." He had his hands in his pockets, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Sure." You replied. "Just let me know when, okay?"

Bakugo watched your figure get smaller as you walked away from him. He wondered why you were off in such a hurry.


Two days went by after that day, and Bakugo hadn't texted you. But nevertheless, you both said your good mornings and hello's here and there.

Was there some awkward tension in the air? You couldn't tell.

You rested your chin on your palm, staring with boredom at the white board where Aizawa was presenting something still covered in bandages.

Maybe you should ask Bakugo to train today.

Aizawa continued on with his lesson, there was a knock on the door. When it opened two men in black suits walked in. You stiffened your back, you got the feeling something was wrong. You intertwined your fingers watching them look over to the students in the class. The men looked like intimidating officials, they were buff and tall, each wearing an earpiece that had a wire dangling down to their back.

"Is (Y/N) here?" The man on the right asked. Your classmates turned to look at you with confusion. With hesitation, you raised your hand. "Um, yeah that's me."

Bakugo watched as you gulped anxiously. What did you do?

"(Y/N), follow us."

Even though Aizawa's face was covered in bandages, you could see his scowl. "I'm in the middle of a lesson. What's going on?" He asked.

The two men walked towards your desk with something in their hands. You gasped seeing nullifying quirk handcuffs click around your wrist. "W-What's going on?" Although you felt scared, you complied getting up from your desk.

You grunted feeling them yank you out of your seat roughly.

"What the hell are you doing? Don't touch her!" Bakugo slammed his hands on the desk. The rest of the class started gasping and talking amongst themselves.

Aizawa rushed after you when you and the two men walked out of the classroom. Bakugo followed ignoring the calls of his friends, abruptly grabbing his backpack and your bag as well.

"Mr. Aizawa!" The blonde called out jogging up to the teacher. "Why are they taking her?"

"I'm not sure, but I have an idea why." Aizawa sighed, he couldn't grab you from their hold at the moment. It would have to be done in a legal way, it pissed him off.

"Well where are we going?"

"There is no we Bakugo, I can't take you out of school I'm not your guardian."

Bakugo narrowed his eyes. "Well consider this me voluntarily skipping school. Now let's go."


"No." Bakugo shook his head. "She wouldn't do that."

"I know that, but I have to go see why they took her." Aizawa sighed in the passengers seat. "Thanks again for driving us Mic."

"It was no problem at all Aizawa!"

They were on their way to the building where you were being held, Tartarus. "Are you and (Y/N) close?" He asked.

Bakugo cleared his throat. "I don't know."

"Do you like her?"

Bakugo whipped his head, "What!"

"Just answer the question."



Aizawa, Present Mic, and Bakugo were standing in an empty hallway, the walls looked like they were made of steel and the lights inside were very bright. They were told to wait there, it was quiet and uncomfortable.

A door opened revealing one of the men who took you away, Bakugo instantly scowled at him. "My name is Kazuo, however, before we start, the boy will have to step out."

"No." Aizawa deadpanned. "He stays."

Kazuo sighed looking down at his watch, "Very well, follow us."


Kazuo had lead them into an empty room, there was a steel table in the middle of it. Bakugo, Present Mic, and Aizawa seated themselves and waited for Kazuo to start talking. "This folder should answer all your questions." The man pushed a folder towards Aizawa and a ziplock bag with a bracelet.

"Wait, this is (Y/N)'s bracelet." Bakugo held up the bag holding it up to his eyes to further inspect it.

"We have evidence that (Y/N) is responsible for the destruction of over five buildings in west Japan." Kazuo started. "We received an anonymous tip for the bracelet we found at the scene."

"Well how do you know the bracelet doesn't belong to anyone at the scene?" Aizawa asked.

"It matches what (Y/N) is wearing here." Kazuo said making Present Mic sigh. "We take this very seriously."

Bakugo opened the folder and noticed a picture of you wearing the bracelet in the bag. "When was this taken?" He asked.

"A few days before (Y/N) was to stop being observed." Kazuo eyed Aizawa, who was having trouble looking in the folder thanks to the bandages. He knew there was so little he could do at this point.

"(Y/N) wore the same bracelet we found in the debris, there's pictures of her going around west Japan at night; I'm afraid we'll have to detain her here. The video was the last straw, there's no denying it. The girl in the video has similar abilities as (Y/N), so she will be banned from the sports festival and be forced to unenroll from UA."

"What are you saying?" Present Mic asked.

"She'll have to be turned over to us." Kazuo said.

The sound of Bakugo's chair screech echoed across the room, he was clenching his teeth almost crumbling the picture of you in his hands. "She's innocent! Do your job and investigate more!"

"If anything else comes up we'll look into it, but for now we are legally allowed to keep her here as a criminal, labeled as a level one threat."

Bakugo slammed the photograph on the table and stormed out the door. He grumbled to himself with his hands in his pockets.

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