19- does america have urinals?

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Where is New York?

You bit your lip, your leg was anxiously bouncing up and down. You were rapidly typing on your phone, polishing up on your fake identity. You took lunch time as an opportunity to search up anything you may be asked about at school.


My name is Lily Ito, I'm a Japanese-American exchange student. My quirk is flight.

Only flight.

Keep your other powers under control (Y/N).

You managed to get by your morning classes without speaking to anyone. You didn't want to make new friends. Keeping a low profile was your top priority.

You were sitting at an empty table. You cautiously observed the students that were chatting and eating with their friends.

I wonder how my friends are doing...

You went back to the online file that was sent by Aizawa which held your backstory.

My parents are office workers and I'm an only child. You repeated back to yourself.

You put your phone down and played around with your food.

"Hey!" You were startled and dropped your fork. You looked up to see two students with lunch trays. There stood a girl with light brown hair and...a tall guy.

He's from the restroom...

"Hey it's alien girl!" The guy laughed sitting down.

"HUH?" Both you and the light haired girl exclaimed.

You were obviously bewildered.

Really (Y/N)? You couldn't even make it a day here?

"She was in the men's restroom and apparently she doesn't even know what a urinal is." The guy explained to the girl. "So she's like an alien or something."

"That's so silly..." You awkwardly chuckled. The girl sitting across from you looked at you with a raised brow. "Pretty close though."

"Huh?" The girl laughed. "You're an alien?"

"No I'm American!" You felt your legs start anxiously shaking again. Hopefully you played that off nicely.

"Oooooh." They both said in unison.

"But don't they have urinals in America?" The girl asked.

"Yes, but I've never seen one until today..."

The guy stayed quiet, he carried a serious expression with one hand under his chin.

You gulped.

"That..." He starts.

You held your hands under the table, tightening them for comfort.

"Makes perfect sense!" He snapped his fingers, "Of course she's never seen a urinal, she's a girl!"

"Yup!" You felt your hearts rate finally slow down.

"So today's your first day?" The brown haired girl smiled.

"Yes, today's my first day." Here come the questions. You thought to yourself.

"So what's your quirk? You must be strong if you got into the hero course like two weeks into school." The shaved headed guy stated.

"Two weeks in?" The brown haired repeated.

"Yeah-wait." You said. "How did you know I got into the hero course?"

Silence fell.

The guy started laughing again, "I'm the top student here and class president of the first year hero course, it's my business to know."

"Oh." You simply said. "I have to go."

"Wait, it doesn't look like you finished eating yet!" The girl said. "Eat with us!"

"Oh, maybe next time! I forgot I had this thing to do..."

You threw your tray away and walked away from the pair.


Something's not right...

You sat in the restroom, trying to reply to Bakugo's message, along with Mina's and a few others, but it seems like there wasn't any service in this school.

You wanted to tell them that you were doing okay and that they shouldn't worry.

You grunted, shoving the device into your bag.

You pulled out your schedule and saw that your last class of the day was hero training. After that you were to go straight to the safe house.

You thought back to the events in the cafeteria. How did that guy know I was in the hero course?

You heard from Aizawa that reporters have been bombarding UA with questions for answers on what happened during the sports festival.

UA had sent out a statement saying that your sister crashed the sports festival because she was in search of "strong students" to kidnap.

However, they did not clarify that the two of you were siblings, but anyone with eyes can see that you are.

Your profile during these statements were kept on the down-low. But there were so many articles and posts about your sister. She was plastered everywhere, and your heart broke every time you saw her familiar face.

Posts about you have also been going around, but UA has been quick on taking them down.

Aizawa had informed you that there was a confidential mission, with only the top heroes involved, in search for your sister but there wasn't any leads.

Hopefully she left the universe. You thought to yourself.

You straightened your back hearing the restroom door open, you kept quiet in the stall hearing a group of girls head straight to the sink mirrors.

"Did you hear about what happened at the sports festival at UA?" One girl said.

Another girl laughed, "Not a big deal! Nothing happened really, just some villain talk that's all."

"Um, didn't you see that the villain threw some kind of energy blast at All Might?"

"I bet it was staged, just UA looking for some press."

Your fist tightened, you fought the urge to open the stall door and set the facts straight.

"And apparently the student who won the festival is a rabid violent freak! He'll never be a hero with that type of behavior." One girl said. "I'd be humiliated if I was him."

You heard them all agree.

That's it.

You stood up and kick the stall door open.

The loud bang made the girls scream. "Ahh!" The girls flinched looking at your direction.

"Anyone have a pad?" You rubbed the back of your head nervously.

"Um, yeah..." One of the girls rummaged through her bag and pulled out a pad, handing it your way.

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