I - Chapter Two

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Tommy was more than somewhat surprised to see a normal-looking man standing in the middle of the room, next to a spiral staircase, his back turned to them. He had blond hair, just like Tommy and Tubbo did, and slightly tanned skin. Unless he was a god that was really skilled at hiding his true identity, he looked like a normal person.

"Er... Mr. Dream, sir?" Tubbo asked tentively. "We're here."

The man turned around. His face was hidden by a white ceramic mask, with a childish smiley face drawn onto it. A matching smile was sewn onto his sleeveless hoodie. There were rips around his knees in his black jeans, and whether it was for style or not, Tommy found it stupid.

"Tubbo... and Tommy," the guy mused. His gaze shifted between the two, sending chills down Tommy's spine. "The two new guys. Unaccustomed to anything yet. Not immune to influence."

Tommy scowled. "Okay, you're freaking us out. You're Dream, are you not? The so-called 'owner' of this whole place?"

"That's me," Dream said, pushing his mask up a bit and smiling slightly. "You're in my lands now."

"What if someone took the control of these lands from you?"

"Then I'd take it back." He glanced over at Tubbo, who had been perfectly silent throughout the entire exchange. "And how are you? Thoughts? Ideas? Anything?"

"Are your arms cold?" Tubbo asked, frowning at Dream's bare arms. "They look cold."

Dream laughed. "They're not cold, but thank you for asking. How about you? I can get you something to wear other than a simple t-shirt."

"I..." Tubbo mumbled, rubbing his arms subconsciously.

Tommy watched suspiciously as Dream crossed the room, walking over to the beds set up in the corner. The room was large, definitely bigger than his little dirt hut, with an interestingly-patterned floor and bright lighting. The walls were wood and lightly colored, looking extremely plain. It was a huge, barely decorated room.

He had seen better.

His attention shifted back to Dream, who was holding a green sweater in his hands. He offered it to Tubbo. The young boy slipped it on, disappearing in the fabric.

"It's a bit too big, Dream," Tommy remarked.

Woah. Since when was I on name-terms with this man?

Dream shrugged, either not noticing or just not caring. He was still focused on Tubbo, who was struggling to roll up the sleeves of the sweater so that he could at least see his hands. Tommy frowned slightly and raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two. Dream didn't look like the type of person to be caring and selfless without fault.

Tommy knew that it wasn't right to judge someone without knowing anything, but he trusted his gut. And his gut was telling him that something was up.

Wait. Don't act yet. You're still new here, and it's still way too early to be making enemies. Especially not with the one who literally controls this entire area.

"Enjoy the peace and tranquillity of this place," Dream said, smiling again. "Do whatever you wish, develop the land, make friends, but I have two major rules: No stealing, and no unnecessary fighting. Got it?"

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response. Tubbo nodded meekly.

"Got it," Tommy muttered. "Thanks, Big D."

"Don't call me that," Dream said cheerfully. "Anyway, I---"

"Dream!" a voice shouted from the second story, rattling Tommy's already-shaken nerves. "The aquarium's got a leak! Yes, Sapnap, I know he's busy with the new guys. No, that's not an excu--- Beckerson is going to float away!"

Dream chuckled nervously, the first actually human show Tommy had seen in him since he had stepped into the Community House. "Yeah... I have to go. Don't cause too much trouble. Remember the rules."

He gave a friendly wave of his hand and dashed up the stairs.

Tommy let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and glanced over at Tubbo. "That was... an experience."

Tubbo shrugged. "I got a free sweater."

"Is that the only thing you're going to take away from this."

Another shrug. Tommy huffed and turned away, crossing his arms, but he wasn't really that annoyed. Actually, he was glad that Tubbo wasn't as bothered as Tommy was. There was definitely something off with Dream. Rules were perfectly normal, even if he never listened to them, but the way that Dream had insisted on them... it wasn't the "don't be a screw-up" tone that Tommy was familiar with. Instead, it had been something else. Predicting. Anxious. Borderline pleading.

Don't be stupid. Such a huge expansion of land... it would be a waste if someone blew it up in a fight. Of course he wants rules in place to stop something like that from happening. There's nothing else to it.


No. No 'unless.' That's that.

"Come on, Tubbo," Tommy said, heading for the door. "Let's leave Dream to his water business."


Tommy had high hopes for his future on the Dream SMP.

Tubbo seemed like a decent chap, and Dream turned out to be an actual human. He'd try not to break the rules, of course, but then again, he never promised anything.

He trudged down the path, heading back to his make-shift home. The land around him was completely barren, void of any construction. The grass and trees were beautiful, but Tommy longed for the day that the whole area would become a sort of city for him to roam around in.

Cities took time to construct. They took patience, something Tommy didn't have much of. But he'd hang in there, just to see the SMP grow.

That lady, Alyssa, had said something about her being the sixth person to join. Adding on Tommy and Tubbo, and there was eight people on the land. Maybe more. He still hadn't met everyone yet.

Dream, Tubbo, Alyssa, and the man Tommy had heard calling down from the second story of the Community House. The only people he had met so far. And according to Alyssa, only half of the people there, if not less.

What was the rest of the Dream SMP population like? Would they be welcoming? Annoyed at how young Tommy was?

It doesn't matter, he reflected. No matter who they are, I don't care about their opinion.

Unless it's Dream. He might matter. Just a bit.

And... Tubbo.


Tommy shoved his hands into his pockets and looked around. What a wonderful place.

Maybe he'd actually try not to blow everything up.

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