I - Chapter Twelve

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Dream set down the discs by his side and rummaged through a bit more, finally pulling out a fresh roll of bandages. It would've been better if he had some water, but at least he had bandages.

As he treated his wound, a small white figure leapt down from his shoulder onto his arm. "No, go back, Blurp," Dream muttered as he worked. "You're going to fall off."

The blob turned its face so that its smile was facing up at him, then looked down at the discs. For a second, it looked like it was trying to frown.

"Don't give me that look," he sighed. "It's the best option for me, okay?"

Blurp didn't speak. Of course it didn't, because it couldn't. But for some reason --- probably because of the alien clay --- Dream could feel the blob's emotions. He could feel the disappointment radiating off of the small thing.

It was nearly enough to make him rethink his actions. Nearly.

Dream didn't have any pockets big enough to store the discs, but it didn't matter. He'd simply hold them in his hands. Any blood on them would be Tommy's fault.

"Come on, Blurp," Dream said.

The blob jumped back into the curve of his hoodie and nestled down. Dream turned to leave, only to find Tommy standing at the doorway.

"Hey, Big D," the boy said casually, though his grip on the door's frame was anything but. "Why are you looking thorugh my things?"

His gaze shifted down to the discs in Dream's hand. Instantly, his expression changed. "Dream, listen to me. I don't know what you're doing, but it's not right. The 'no stealing' rule, remember? No unnecessary conflict?"

"Is that what you call shooting an arrow at Ponk? 'Necessary conflict?'"

Tommy took a step towards Dream. "Yes. It was necessary because of what was happening between him and Sapnap."

Dream narrowed his eyes. Hesitantly, Tommy took a step back. "SMP. 'Safe, merged place.' A place for people to live peacefully, without conflict, without battles or wars or anything. That's what I told you when you invited you here. That's what you agreed to. Do you remember?"

"Yes," Tommy said. Dream had to respect the fact that there was no wobble in his voice. "I do."

The boy's fear was quickly replaced by courage, though whether it would do him good or not was questionable.

Dream tried to calm down. There's probably a logical explanation for all of this, he told himself. You could be acting too hastily.

He shot Ponk. They were definitely fighting, and not only that, but there were sides. It was two on two. And with Sapnap being one of those two, it wasn't balanced.

And... he stabbed me. A wound that could be fatal if not treated properly.

Does he even know how to treat wounds? From his personality, it's likely that he just runs around putting his sword through people without thinking of the consequences. What if I did that to him? What if Sapnap wasn't on his side? He'd be dead.

Maybe it was the look on his face that mirrored his thoughts, but the confidence swept out of Tommy in an instant. "Uh... Dream?" he said uncertainly.

Dream held up the discs in his hand. Blood trailed down, following the small grooves etched into the surface, before dripping down to the ground. The wince from Tommy didn't go unnoticed to him. "See these, Tommy? You love these discs, don't you?"

"What do you want, Dream?" Tommy asked through gritted teeth.

"An apology," Dream said simply.

"For stabbing you through the abdomen?"

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