I - Chapter Eighteen

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Dream didn't see Wilbur again that day, or the next. A week passed by with no sighting of the man. Despite all the tree-cutting, the forests were still not sparce enough to simply peer through and see to the other side. And even if they were, it probably wasn't likely that Wilbur would've been hiding out in the forest for so long.

Maybe he was hiding in the caravan, but Dream didn't want to check in there. Something about it made him hold back, which was stupid, seeing how it was just a car.

He did see Tommy from time to time, but the boy still avoided him like the plague. Even when Dream sent other people to ask him about Wilbur, Tommy was always annoyingly evasive.

"I'm worried," Dream sighed.

"Wilbur will come around eventually," George said confidently, leaning back against Dream's shoulder. "So don't be. Everything will be fine."


Sapnap pressed his palm against the glass of the aquarium, staring through the water at Mars and Beckerson. "It's okay, Dream. Don't worry."

Dream gave him a sideways look. This was the guy that had just been in an argument with him not even a week ago. For some reason, the fact was comforting to him.

"Have any of you guys seen him?" Dream asked, referring to Wilbur again.

George shook his head. "The last time I saw him was a couple days ago. He seemed angry, but that was probably because of you."

"You don't have to remind me," Dream replied glumly.

"He'll come around," Sapnap echoed. "It'll be perfectly fine. We'll make sure of it, Dream."

That sounded threatening, but at least it wasn't a threat towards him. And besides, if Sapnap could keep people in line as well, then all the better for Dream. He knew that Sapnap had built a reputation around himself regarding his incredible person-vs-person skills, and that would be enough to work with.

"How's Tubbo?" Dream asked.

Sapnap looked at him in surprise. "Tubbo? Uh... he's good, I think. His house is looking pretty nice, and he's got some potatoes growing as well. Last I heard, he was mourning a chicken."

George laughed. "A chicken? Sounds like Tubbo."

"Rip," Dream sighed. "I hope he gets over it."

"He doesn't seem sad, actually," Sapnap noted. "Odd. Maybe he didn't love the chicken as much as it loved him."

Dream winced. He didn't know why, but unrequitted love was something that made him feel terrible.

It wasn't like he had suffered from unrequitted love before. But the constant teasing between him and his friends had made the subject both absolutely hilarious and painful at the same time.

George caught the expression on his face and coughed, changing the subject. "We're gonna practice parkour later. You wanna drop by?"

"Sure," Dream shrugged. "Parkour is always good. Are you guys ready for the event?"

"Definitely," Sapnap said with a grin. "It'll be an easy win."

"I'm not sure," George said. "Isn't Techno supposed to be there? And Fruit? And so many other insanely talented people?"

"Hey, we're talented, too," Sapnap said, elbowing him in the side. George swatted him away and huffed.

Dream chuckled to himself and turned his attention back to the aquarium. He watched as Mars swam over to Sapnap's palm, trying to touch it through the glass barrier between them.

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