Cruel Intentions- Ch. 18

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Chapter Eighteen

"Speak to me." He murmured.

His eyes shifted around the room, making sure no one was eaves dropping.

"I need specifics on a certain assassin I had you dispose of..." I trailed off quietly, keeping my peripherals alert for anyone who was listening in on our conversation.

"I'm listening." He urged.

"Hispanic. Approximately 5'll. Piercing green eyes. Medium length silky dark brown hair, gold complexion. Pierced lung by a nine inch combat knife. Ringing any bells?" I spoke quickly and proficiently.

The Cleaner, Rick, Prefers the name The Cleaner.

Only god knows why... if you believe in the dude...

(A/N: No offense to anyone who is religious, these are just Liv's personal views and troubles she's dealing with.)

"I remember this one. You left him behind a dumpster, in the alley way, next to your apartment. What about him?" he questioned, tilting his head to the side inquiringly.

"I watched him die. You saw him dead. What did you do with his body?"

"I put all the bodies into an incinerator. There's nothing left of them." His entire expression scowled and he was shaking his head.

"Are you sure? Do you specifically remember putting that body in there? You need to be two-hundred percent sure about this." I gripped onto his hands and squeezed the life out of him.

"I'm completely positive, Liv. What is this about?" he asked concerned as he wiggled his fingers, trying to release my constricting grasp.

"Don't worry about it. But the next question is important. I need to know if you kept the teeth?" my hold only tightening on his hands, desperate to hear his next response.

He started to nod slowly. "Strange enough... yes. Sal makes me keep... them all... in a storage container." He whispered so low that I had to train my eyes on his mouth and read his lips.

I felt relief.

Almost as if a load was lifted off my shoulders.

"Deliver them to me personally. You, no one else. Get it to me by tomorrow morning." I finally released my hold on his now purple fingers, grinning an apologetic smile.

"I'll be there before the suns up." I replied professionally as he glanced around again.

Even though we may be sitting in a mafia owned business, I wouldn't put it past the FBI nor rival gangs to put in a snake.

"Get in and out without being seen." I murmured as I sipped from my coffee.

I let my eyes wander around once again before returning them to The Cleaner.

"Done." He nodded sharply.

I stood up and grabbed Nate's hand in the process, making my way to the counter.

I pulled out a few bills and started counting them out.

I looked up to find Anthony glaring at me. "What?"

"You're money is non va bene here." He huffed and crossed his arms.

Stubborn old man.

I rolled my eyes and set the cash down.

He looked at the amount on the counter and spluttered.

"That's triple times four the original amount. Take it back." He looked wide eyed.

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