Cruel Intentions- Chapter 10

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Chapter ten

"So what's on?" Nate asked coming back in the room with three boxes of hot tamales and locking the door. (the candy, best candy ever invented if you ask me!)

He shed his robe leaving him completely bare, and joined me under the covers. I turned over to my right side and rested my left hand on his stomach and my head on his chest.

"Some movie called 'A Lot Like Love'? Have you ever heard of it?" I asked since I've never heard of the movie.

"Nope. But I guess that's a good thing. I wouldn't want to watch a movie i've already seen before." He replied as he opened the first box of hot tamales and put it down on the comforter, then returned his hand under the blanket and rested his hand on my hip and started tracing small circles on my hip.

"I like this movie already." I said as a very old song that my parents and I used to listen to all the time.

I started to mutter the lyrics under my breath and had a small smile while singing. 'Semi Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind.'

"Why don't you sing?" Nate interrupted.

"What do you mean? I am singing." I tilted my head back to look up into his face.

"No. like really sing, like publicly, for a crowd." He replied, lightly brushing my face with his fingertips.

"Uhhh... Have you lost your mind?" I asked seriously.

He lightly chuckled but returned my serious look with one of his own. "No, I haven't. But you're voice really is amazing." He said in absolute sincerity.

"You're joking." I raised my eyebrows.

"Not at all." He leaned down and lightly kissed me.

Once he pulled away I started to shake my head. "You really have lost it. Hey, I mean its okay; you think I've gone mental. We can just be one cute wacko couple." I joked trying to change the subject off the whole ridiculous singing thing.

"Nice try. But i'm serious, you should..."

"And i'm serious when I say I we head a deal about this movie." I said cutting him off.

I smiled lightly as he rolled his eyes but didn't bother to talk about singing anymore. I craned my neck and kissed him once before settling back down and turning my head towards the flat screen and zoned back into the movie.

So, Ashton Kutcher... hot? yes. But he has nothing on Nate. Throughout the entire movie, I couldn't stop thinking about Nate: The way he held me, the way he looked at me, and oh god his looks. They say looks aren't everything, but hell, call me shallow because if Nate didn't have such good looks, well, I wouldn't be laying in this bed naked with him.

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