Cruel Intentions Ch. 27 part 1

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“No!” Nate shook is finger at his mom, as if he were shaming a dog. “No sugar bug! I told you, you can't cook woman! Did I not remind you on the phone that something like this was bound to happen.” Nate cast a pointed look over her shoulder at the dwindling firer that Nate’s dad was almost done slaying before returning a shaming look back to his mother.

“Nathaniel, I’m sorry, but I thought it would be a nice treat to bring your girlfriend home to a nice home-cooked meal instead of sitting in a restaurant where we all have to look like we have a stick up our asses.” she sighed and looked back at the fire ashamed.

I liked this woman already.

I kept my fingers crossed, mentally, that she would like me back.

“It's a great thought mom, but you could have left it to Marcie to actually cook. No offense mah, but you're no Betty Crocker.” Nate sighed while tilting his head to the side and running a hand over his eyes.

I elbowed Nate and threw him a pitying scowl when he looked my way. “Go easy on your mom, at least she tried to do something normal and make me feel comfortable.” I scolded him, lightly of course, all the while shaking my head.

Nate was just about to answer when his mom cut in. “Um, sugar bug? Who is this?”

I looked over at his mom who was staring pointedly at me with both of her eyebrows raised skeptically.

“Mom, this is my girlfriend, L...”

Nate’s mom held up a finger in silence and closed her eyes before she opened them, darting back and forth between Nate and I.

Oh god, she hates me. Well... this sucks.

“Honey, be real. You don’t date models. You've claimed to hate them ever since you caught me skimming through a Vogue magazine when you were ten.” she smirked like she had figured out some scheme.

Blondie say what? My eyebrows skyrocketed to my hairline in shock. Model? MODEL?!

I started shaking my head in protest but Nate beat me to the punch and spoke up first with laughter in his voice. “Mom, this is really my girlfriend. Olivia Wilde. Liv...” Nate looked at me and nodded to his mom. “That is my mother, Aislin Vanderbilt. Don’t let her looks fool you, she's more conniving then a con artist.”

“Sweet cheeks, is this really necessary? Am I that embarrassing you needed to hire yourself a fake girlfriend? I’m hurt.” and she did look hurt, though the sarcastic hand that she placed over her chest contradicted her face.

I smiled and rolled my eyes as I walked up to her while slipping my safety net- my black leather jacket- off my shoulders and set it on the counter. I proceeded to walked up to her and held my hand out to shake her hand, also giving her a clear view of my tattoo on my right wrist; the nine tear drops with the date and all.

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