Cruel Intentions- Ch. 23

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Liv’s POV (She’s bacccckk!)

“While you’re both here, I might as well take a look at the last of your stitches.” Dr. James said as he clapped his hands while turning his back on Nate to face me.

Oh Joy.

I look towards the floor and shake my head. Why me!

“Aren't you supposed to look up towards the sky and say that?” Dr. James comes over to the cot I'm sitting on, snapping on a new pair of latex gloves.

“You’re forgetting I don’t believe in the dude. But Satan…” I pause to look down then back up to a furrowed expression Dr. James. “I do believe in the vindictive little bastard.”

Dr. James gave me a look of disapproval before pushing me down so I'm laying flat on my back and starts lifting up my top.

“I'm feeling violated.” I said and batted my eye lashes while Dr. James folded my shirt all the way up to my boobs.

But to be painfully honest, it probably looked like I had a blinking problem. I wasn’t too worried, though.

I felt James’ latexy fingers prodding at all the freshly stitch free scars and nodding his head in approval as he ignored my comment.

Is latexy even a word?

“Well, the stitches for your shot wound are ready to come out. Have you been putting mederma on the rest of your scars?” Dr. James looks up at me suspiciously after tearing his gaze off my stomach.

“Yee-usss-uhh.” I drawl it out and scrunch my face up in what I'm sure looks like confusion while trying to think up a better.

My face, by the look the doctor just gave me, must say I look constipated.

That’s what I came up with.

Aren’t I brilliant?

Dr. James rolls his eyes and cranes his neck around to look at Nate who is still lying back with gel ice packs all over his fractured ribs.

“Nate, I'm making it your responsibility to rub mederma all over Liv’s body.” I could hear the smirk in Dr. James voice as Nate winks back in reply.

“Did you have to word it so sexually?” I shook my head and turned my head back to Dr. James as he faced forward again.

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