Notice Update

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I have to regretfully inform everyone that in my travels over to South Africa, which I'm currently here at the moment, my luggage was searched by security. When I arrived in port Elizabeth my bag wasn't at baggage claim. I received my bag three days later, searched through and fucked up, and I happened to have made the BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE by putting my laptop in my suitcase instead of my carry on backpack, which I NORMALLY ALWAYS DO, except for this once, and my laptop was stolen out of my luggage. I had finished about three chapters and was going to finish Cruel intentions during my down time here while volunteering out here in SA... I'm so sorry everyone, I wish I could turn back the clocks and kept my laptop with me in the airport. I'm doing everything I can to find my laptop but I don't think I'll have any luck :'-( it's going to take me sometime to write another chapter up for you guys. And a while to buy and replace my laptop for more frequent updates. I'll try the best I can. In the mean time, please be patient with me. You all have been so great with the length of time that has passed since the last update. I'll just need a bit more of that amazing patience you've all had with me. Love all the support and comments you all have been sending my way!!!!! Love you guys

Keep rocking on \m/

Julia Eats World

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