Cruel Intentions- Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

"Ow." I croaked in a groggy, cracking voice.

Like always Liv, you always seem to say something clever, I thought sarcastically.

"Are you okay?" Nate asked, his voice sounding just above a panic.

"I hurt like hell. Where's my gun?" I croaked.

"I'll send for a nurse to bring some painkillers in for you. And I have no idea where your gun is. why?" Dr. James replied as he examined some of my wounds.

"I'm going to shoot that beeping sound." I croaked in annoyance.

That got everyone laughing, but I was completely serious. If I were able to stand up and pick up heavy machinery; it'd be flying out the window right now.

"You're really lucky kid, you know that?!" the doctor said while changing my dressings for the stitches on my ribs.

"I don't feel lucky. I feel like i've been dragging behind a freight train for hours on end. And I'm serious when I say I want to shoot that machine." I replied while resting my head back on the pillow.

"After what you went through, I'm surprised you don't feel worse. But I'll be back in a few with those pain killers. Oh, I believe you are serious, which is why your aren't getting that gun." Dr. James said and walked out the door.

I groaned in annoyance and agony as I looked over at Nate who looked like he hadn't slept for days.

"Nate, maybe you should get some sleep, you look dead." I whispered as I took in his whole appearance.

"I can't. You just woke up." He whispered as he trailed his fingers over my cheek.

"And I'll be here when you wake up." I tried smiling but it came out as a grimace.

He started to shake his head.

"I'll just give you two a minute." Sal said and all but ran out of the room.

"Liv, you don't understand how long i've been waiting for you to wake up!" he exclaimed in agony.

"Yea, what it's been like a day?" I said slowly.

"Liv. You've been in a coma for over two months." He replied quietly.

"No. No way. What's today's date?" I said freaking out.

I could not have been out that long.

"December 31st." he said sadly.

"I missed Baize's birthday! I missed his Christmas. That's his favorite holiday and I completely ruined it for him! TWO MONTHS!" I said freaking out; my breaths coming out short and shallow, making pain shoot through my entire body.

"Liv, sshh, its okay. Bay understands, he does Liv." Nate whispered to me as he climbed in the hospital bed next to me.

I leaned my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me in a comforting way. I started to cry from the pain I was in from having my body twisted like this, from all the days I left Bay alone, almost losing Brody, and from putting Nate in all of that danger.

"What time is it?" I whispered.

"11:50pm." He replied, looking down at his phone.

"Will you be my first kiss of the new year? Please?" I whispered and looked down, feeling embarrassed for some reason as my cheeks start to heat up.

I just felt like I needed to forget it all and I knew Nate could help me the best and only way I knew how.

"Liv. Look at me please." He whispered huskily, sending chills down my spine.

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