Cruel Intentions- Chapter 12

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im dedicating this chapter to a new fan of mine! (JAXZC1511) your story-long comments put me in a chipper mood and made me finish this chapter quicker than i have been lately. thank you for your amazing words. and thank you to the rest of you who commented, it does mean alot to read your support.

Chapter Twelve

Oh the bittersweet welcome of a Monday morning; bitter being: its school with the devil reincarnate, sweet being Nate.

We were standing in the warmth of the Halls, my back leaning against Nate's comforting chest and stomach, as he had his arms wrapped securely around me.

He had been placing light kisses on top of my head when I saw a boy being tripped by one of the senior Jocks.

What a jack*ss!

I was about to make my way and help the blonde hair boy up just as the bell rang signaling first period.

Nate grabbed my hand and I left with a frown on my face when the boy was picking up his stuff with a small smile on his face.

That broke my heart even more.

"Okay Class!" Mr. O'Brady clapped his hands together with a huge smile plastered across his face as soon as the last student took their seat.

"We will be taking notes from the projector today on slopes. You're notes today will be graded and count as 25% of your grade. So if you came unprepared today, well you're shit out of luck." He laughed light-heartedly as he typed away on his computer.

He is such a jerk.

I watched as he took out the remote for the projector and turned it on.

I looked down to see only my notebook on my desk... no pencil... no pen.


"Jamie!" I yelled in a hushed whisper.

Jamie peeks over at me with a questioning look.

"Do you have a pen?" I whispered, but kept my eyes trained on Mr. O'Brady to make sure he didn't see me talking.

"No, sorry. The rest are in my locker." She whispered back.

"Damn, so are mine." I whispered and frowned in dismay.

I refuse to ask him for a pen. That'll just be one more thing he'll rag on me today in Detention.

"Nate." I whispered, catching his attention.

He turned his head slightly and looked at me.

I put my hand together like I was holding a pen and started to wave it around like I was writing.

A frown started to appear on his face and he shook his head remorsefully.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulder and mouthed a thank you.

I Felt a tap on my shoulder and slowly shifted around to see who was tapping on it.

It was the same boy that was tripped in the hall but I didn't have the courtesy of knowing his name. I had never bothered to speak to so what could he possibly want to talk to me about during a lecture?

He had sandy blonde hair, medium length with bangs that swept into his eyes, causing him to do that head sweep that all those boys do with bangs; including Nate. He has plain blue eyes but had a dark ring of blue accompanied with very tan skin, a natural tan, unlike those fake bake tans.

I could tell he was tall from just sitting but I couldn't tell exactly how tall he was.

He nodded his head down and I followed the motion with my eyes to see his hand holding out a pen. I then searched his desk and the floor.

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