Chapter 17.

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Lilas POV.
I woke up to the sun beaming through the curtains. I yawn and move a little until I realize that I'm alone in bed. I wonder where Luke is. I look over to his pillow and see a note on it. I could recognize that writing anywhere.

Hey baby, sorry that I couldn't sleep in with you but I had to go and do some things that may or may not have to do with your surprise. That letter I gave to you last night open it up once you get into the car with Ashton. I promise you'll love what I have planned see you later.
From: Luke xo.

The moment after I'm done reading the note there's a knock on the door before I get a chance to open it Ashton come barging in with a huge smile on his face.

" Good your up... get ready and meet me in the car and hurry up." Ashton said before kissing me on the forehead and running downstairs.

Okay then this is only a little wierd. What does Luke have planned? I run into my room and see that the door is still broken this is the first time I've been in here since what happened with Jason. I kinda scared actually but today is not the day for me thinking like this.I run quickly to my closet and grab a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a black tank top and a red flannel to go over it. I got changed as fast as possible threw my my hair into a messy bun and ran downstairs with my keys, phone and letter in hand. I thankfully didn't fall down the stairs thank god. And ran out the door. Ashton was already in the car waiting patiently. I ran to my door and got in doing my seat belt.

" Where are we going?" I ask as soon as I get situated.

" You tell me open the letter." Ashton said smirking.

" Wait how did you know about the letter?" I asked kinda confused.

" I just open the letter so we can get this show on the road." Ashton said pushing me playfully.

" Geeze calm down." I said giggling a little.
I ripped open the letter the first thing I see is a picture of me and Luke on the beach smiling. Awww so sweet. I turn the picture over to see the letter.

Morning Baby I hope you had a good night's sleep. Today I have planned a little scavenger hunt for you hence why Ashton is here to drive you. Have fun with what I planned, I'll see you later. Enjoy. Your first clue is in the glove box.
From: Luke xo :-).

Awww Luke is so sweet. Reading that letter made me smile and let out a little laugh. I quickly opened the glove box and a bunch of candy comes pouring out of it and a little heart shaped note comes flying out to. I look at the note and it says.

We've known each other a long time almost are whole life's...go to the place we're this all started. ~Luke :-).

" Awww." I said while opening a packet of the candy and start eating it.

" Where to?" Ashton asked with a smirk.

" To the Park across from the hospital!" I said excitedly. Luke and I met there after my mom and I went to the hospital to see one of my cousins who was sick. After a while I got bored because I was 2 and sitting around doing nothing was not what I liked to do. So we decided to go to the park, my mom sat down on a bench when I went to the sandbox being the clumsy child I was and still am I tripped over someone's sand castle and landed face first into the sand. I cried and this cute little blonde kid with big blue eyes came and comforted me until I stopped crying. We introduced each other and we just so happened to become inseparable our moms had to drag us off the playground.

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