Chapter 40

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Lila's Pov.

When the plane landed Ashton told me that him and Julia were going to watch Harry and Lauren for the night and that Luke and I could go rest at our apartment. I tried to tell Ash it was fine and I could help watch them tonight but he insisted. So Luke and I decided we'd watch them tomorrow and Ashton and Julia could have the day off. 

It was around 6:00 pm when Luke and I made it home to our wonderful apartment. I'm so glad we live here alone now. Its not that I didn't love living with everyone else its just its easier when there is only two people living together. It quieter and more relaxing and for that I'm thankful because I'm exhausted.

As soon as we walked through the door I dropped my bags and collapsed onto the couch and buried my face into one of the pillows. I heard Luke laugh at me and I just groaned before getting comfy on the couch. Seconds later Luke was picking me up bridal style and carrying me into our bedroom. He gently placed me on the bed and layed down beside me. I crawled into his arms and rested my head in the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around me before kissing the top of my head. I sighed in content and smiled.

" Go to sleep babe...I love you." Luke mumbled while tracing random patterns on the small of my back with his fingers.

" Night Lukey Love you to." I smiled before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.


The next morning I woke up to the shrill sound of my alarm clock and groaned. I reached over and kept hitting it until the ear shattering noise stopped. I cuddled back into Luke's arms and heard him groan. I looked up and saw his electric blue eyes meet mine. He smiled at me and kissed me closed mouth of course because of morning breath.

" Morning baby." He said huskily. I will never get used to his morning voice it kills me everytime.

" Morning babe." I replied with a small yawn.

" We have to get out of bed, we have to go to your mum's house to take care of Harry and Lauren."Luke mumbled sleepily but got up nonetheless dragging me with him.

We quickly got ready and headed out. My mum's house is only about half an hour away from our apartment so its not that long of a drive. We made it there in record time a whole 2 minutes faster then the last time. We got out of the car and headed inside. I didn't bother knocking since it is my mum's house and my childhood home. When we walked in we were met with the giggles of not only Ashton, but Harry and Lauren as well. They were in the kitchen joking around when Julia was making breakfast.

" Hey guys." Ashton greeted. 

With the mention of us Harry and Lauren both attacked me in Luke in hugs, I laughed and hugged them as tight as I could. When they let go they went back to their usual seats. I sat down in the free seat next to Lauren and Luke took the seat next to Harry which happened to be directly across from me. Ashton was sitting at the head of the table like he always does.

" Julia do you need any help?"I asked seeing her make pancakes all by herself.

" No I'm fine just visit with your siblings." She assured and I nodded.

" How's mum?" I asked Ashton.

" Shes getting better but still not enough to take care of Lauren she has the flu pretty bad. She can barely go an hour without throwing up." Ashton informed and I cringed. Throwing up is one of the grossest things ever. I hate it with a passion.

"Well at least shes getting better, slowly but surely."I smiled and Ashton nodded.

" Are you and Luke taking care of us today?"Harry asked with a toothy grin.

"Yep we're taking care of you until tomorrow morning, then Ash and Julia will be. We're taking turns until mum gets better."I smiled and Harry cheered.

" I love having you around Lila, I get a break from all the boys."Lauren smiled side hugging me.

"Hey we're not that bad."Harry, Ash and Luke all said in sync causing Julia, Lauren and I to laugh.

" She just needs some girl time."I smiled and Lauren nodded.

"Well have all the girl time you like, I'll take Harry to the park later to play some football(soccer) and you and Lauren can have as much girl time as you need."Luke smiled and Harry cheered.

" Awesome."He smiled.

" Harry what do you say to Luke."Ashton asked.

" Thank you Luke."Harry smiled up at him.

" No problem." He smiled back.

" Okay breakfasts up everyone." Julia said placing stacks of pancakes on the table.

" Thank you!" Everyone yelled causing Julia to giggle.


After we we're all done breakfast Julia and Ashton tried cleaning up. But Luke nor I would have that.

" No Luke and I got this you two go home and rest, have fun, do something and we'll see you tomorrow."I said sternly as they tried cleaning up the table.

" Its fine Lila we got this." Ashton assured but I shook my head. But he picked up another dish anyways.

" Ashton Fletcher Irwin if you pick up one more dish I will kick you in the balls."I said seriously and Ashton rolled his eyes at me.

" Yeah right."

" You really want to chance that. Remember I once sacked you when you woke me up I'll sack you for this. Now get your ass back to your house and spend some quality time with your girlfriend."I said with a devious smile, and Ash set the dishes back on the table. Yes victory is mine!

" Fine we'll be here tomorrow around 9." Ash said giving me a hug and kissing my forehead and doing the same to Harry and Lauren, before grabbing Julia's hand and heading to the door.

" Bye Ash and Julia!"We all called as they were leaving.

" Bye!"

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