Chapter 39

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Lila's Pov.

Last night after we got back from the pier Luke and I crashed as soon as our heads hit our pillows. We were exhausted. Today is our second last day in California, tomorrow night we catch our flight back to Australia. So today is our last full day here. So when I woke up and found that Luke was still sleeping I decided to wake him up. So I turned on my side and started to tickle Luke awake within seconds he was awake and glaring at me with a pout.

" Why'd you do that?"Luke asked in a groggy morning voice, I simply shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

" Come one get your lazy but up. Today is our last full day here and I want to explore and go shopping. Come on Lukey please." I begged with puppy dog eyes and I pout and Luke groaned before nodding his head yes. I cheered and kissed his cheek. Before heading into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Before changing into an Nirvana crop top and high wasted denim shorts, with my favourite purple hightops. I brushed out my hair and decided to put it into a side braid and put some light makeup on. Before exiting the bathroom with a small smile.When I entered the main room again I saw that Luke was already ready for the day. He was in a black shirt with a red flannel overtop and his black skinny jeans ripped on one knee. He saw me and smiled. I walked over top him and kissed his cheek before sitting down on his lap. Luke kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist before snuggling his head into the crook of my neck causing me to giggle.

"I say just you and I go out and spend the day together." Luke mumbled then placed a small kiss on my neck. I smiled at his action before answering.

" That sounds come one lets get going." I said while getting off of Luke's lap and making my way to the door. Luke got up and grabbed his wallet and phone before meeting me at the door. I grabbed my phone and wallet off the bathroom counter and we exited our room.

Luke and I quickly left the hotel and got into a cab. I looked down at my phone and saw a had a text message from non other then my brother.

From: Ash

Where are you guys?

To: Ash 

Luke and I are going shopping today don't wait up.

From: Ash 

Okay be careful. Love you. :)

To: Ash 

We will. Love yo to. ;)

I rolled my eyes at my brother and put my phone into my pocket and rested my head on Luke's shoulder. I sighed in content and looked out the window at the busy streets of California. Minutes later we pulled up to a mall. Luke payed the cab fair even though I insisted that I pay. But he just shrugged and payed anyway. I rolled my eyes as we were getting out of the cab. Look intertwined our hands together and led me inside the mall.

It was crowed but not to crowed. We just started to go into random stores and such. Just trying to make the most of the day. After being in the mall for almost an hour we went into a music shop and I smiled when I saw all the instruments. I love playing guitar, its just I haven't really had any time to recently with everything going on. 

Luke and I walked around until I gasped and ran to the guitar section and found the most beautiful guitar ever. It was a beautiful dark brown and it just screamed buy me.

" You should get it, we could play together sometime." Luke said from behind me, I turned and smiled at him. 

" Great idea." I said before picking up the guitar and guitar case and heading to the cash. The man scanned the items and told me the total I was about to take my bank card out but Luke beat me to it and payed for it himself. I frowned at Luke and he shrugged and grabbed the guitar and put it in the guitar case and carrying it for me. He held his free hand out for me and I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. We headed down to the food court, I turned to Luke and gave him a stern look.

" I'm paying for lunch if you like it or not. You payed for my guitar so i'll pay for lunch." I said sternly and Luke nodded. 

He found us a table when I ordered our food. I walked back with our food and headed to the table which held a smiling Luke with my guitar sitting next to him. I sat across from Luke passed him food.

" Thank you baby." He said with a mouth full of frys causing me to giggle.

" No problem." I said before starting to eat my lunch.

After lunch we decided to walk back to the hotel since it wasn't really that far away and it was a pretty nice day. It took probably an hour filled with laughs and giggles to get back to the hotel. We walked into our room to find a frowning Ashton and  a worried looking Julia trying to comfort him. We walked further in and I sat next to Ash.

" Ash what wrong?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

" Mum called and said we need to come home early she isn't feeling well and can't find a sitter for Harry and Lauren, so I told we'd come home early to help her out." Ashton said with a small smile.

" and I can head out tonight and the rest of you can stay here and enjoy the rest of the vacation." I said while running around the room trying to get all my things packed. But Luke stopped me.

" Were coming with you all of us are. Theres no point for us to stay here without you and Ash. It wouldn't be fun knowing Ash and you are at home having to watch Harry and Lauren alone." Luke explained.

" But-" I started and Luke cut me off.

" No buts were going home all of us, and thats the end of it." Luke said sternly and I nodded.

We all started to pack and in no time we were heading onto a plane back to our lovely homes in Australia.

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