Chapter 26

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Ashton POV.
We finally made it to the hospital, and Lila and I are just a mess. I can't help but wonder what would happen if my mother died, how would I react how would Lila, Harry and Lauren take it. What would happen with Harry and Lauren they aren't old enough to live on their own? We don't have much family here so I guess they would have to move in with me and Lila and everyone else who lives in that house. I wouldn't mind, I know it would only happen if the worst possible thing happened. I really hope that my mom's fine, we can't lose her she's all we got. She stayed with us when our Dad left she stayed strong for us and I guess we'll have to stay strong for her.

Lila, Luke and I slowly walked into the hospital Luke and I both holding onto one of Lilas hands. She shaking and still sobbing. Luke and I try to calm her down, when we reach the front desk I went up by myself and Lila and Luke went to go and sit in the waiting room. I was greeted by a smiling nurse.

" Hello, how can I help you?" She asked cheerily.

" My mom was admitted she was in a car accident." I said wiping some of the tears off of my cheeks only to be replaced by new fresh ones.

Lilas POV.
I can't believe my mom got into a car accident.What if she's dead? What if she's really hurt? I can't lose my mom, neither can Harry, Lauren and Ashton. We all need her. She was and always be here for us. She always helped us the best she could. She would always cheer us up. She is such a great mother. After my dad left she was heartbroken, but she stayed strong for us. Ashton and I started helping her more because we were older. Ashton basically took over for my Dad when he left, he always would take care of us and make sure we were okay he would always help my mom when she needed it. Ashton is always there when you need him. He's like my mom like that. If she were to die I think ashton would take it the hardest he and mom are very close, closer then any of us are to her. I just hope that she is alright.

Luke and I take a seat in the waiting room when Ashton talks to the nurse. I have calmed down quite a bit but I'm still crying. Luke put his arm around my shoulder and laced one of his hands with mine and kissed me gently on the forehead.

" Baby everything will be okay we're all here for you and ashton...  and Harry and Lauren." He said squeezing my hand reassuringly.

" I hope she's okay...I don't know what I would do if she died." I said starting to sob again.

" Baby it's okay whatever happens I'll help you through it every step of the way." He said hugging me. I sigh and rest my head on his chest. I was getting comfortable when I heard footsteps come by me. I lift my head up and see Ashton sit next to me. I quickly release from luke and turn to Ashton.

" What did the nurse say?" I asked ashton grabbing his hand.

" She said that she's in surgery now...that's all she knows." Ashton said with a few tears dripping down his face, I quickly wiped away his and he wiped away mine.

Before I could say anything else Harry and Lauren come rushing in with Michael and Calum running closely behind them. Ashton and I quickly stand up and give out siblings a group hug. We pull away after a minute and Harry and Lauren are both crying.

" Is mom alright?" Harry asked wiping his nose with his sleeve. I bent down to his eye level and wiped his tears away.

" Mom's in surgery right now that's all we know for now but as soon as we know what's going on we will tell you guys." I said directing it to both Lauren and Harry.

" Okay." They both said yawning.

" You guys tired?" I asked and they nodded.

" Cal, Mikey can you take Harry and Lauren to the house and stay with them?" I asked with a sweet voice.

" Yeah no problem." Mikey said giving me a hug and kissing my for head. Cal came over and did the same. Ashton and I hugged Harry and Lauren again and said goodbye and promised them we'll call as soon as we know what's going on.

Ashton and I sit next to Luke once again.
Luke is yawning, I don't blame him it is pretty late.

" Luke...Babe go home get some sleep." I said softly.

" No I'm staying here for you and Ash I'm not going anywhere." He said sternly.

" Thank you." I say quietly and then rested my head on Lukes shoulder and ashton did the same to me.

We were all about to pass out in the waiting room until a familiar nurse came up to us. I hope the news she has for us is good.

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