Chapter 44

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Luke's Pov.

Ashton and Julia, Lila and I were all still sitting on the couches lost in our thoughts. Ashton and Julia cancelled their date because of the news Lila and I just heard, they said they'd stay here with us the full day and help us take care of Lauren and Harry. Their mum went back to bed because she still wasn't feeling the best and Ashton insisted she go back upstairs and rest. Harry and Lauren are still asleep or keeping busy upstairs one of the two.

I still can't believe that Lila and I could be parents. She could be pregnant. If she is pregnant I would be thrilled and if she isn't then we could always have one a little later in the future. I would love this baby so much if she was pregnant and I'm sure everyone would be excited as well.

I looked down to Lila and she was playing with my fingers with a small smile on her face. She looked so deep in thought probably thinking about our possible baby. I am to, but I'm nothing but excited for it. Sure if we are having a baby, I would be scared at first but the I'd get used to the idea of it. And I'm sure Lila would as well. We may be only 18 but people have babies young all the time. I know for a fact that Lila and I could do it.

" Ashton please don't tell Calum, Michael, Alyssa or Beth.Just in case I'm really pregnant. I don't want them going through all this drama, and get excited about the baby...and be disappointed if I turned out not being pregnant." Lila pleaded breaking the silence that overtook us for so long. Ashton looked shocked at Lila's words but nodded nonetheless.

" Okay deal. But you have to promise me when you take the test you call me and tell me if you are first. Well of course after Luke but then me." Ashton smiled and Lila nodded her head with a small grin.

" Of course. You'll be the first to know after Luke."She laughed and I hugged her tighter into my chest. She smiled and kissed my cheek, causing a light blush to coat my cheeks. I kissed her head and cuddled her more.


All in all we had a pretty good day. Lila and I babysat Lauren and Harry and Ashton and Julia left around 6 right after dinner. I smiled over at Lila who was now only wearing one of my shirts and crawling into bed next to me. It was only 10:30 but Lila and I were beat so we decided to head to bed early.

" Luke I'm scared." Lila whispered as I wrapped my arms around her. I looked down at her with furrowed eyebrows and kissed her forehead.

" What are you scared of baby?"I asked knowing full well what she was going to say.

" I'm scared that if I am pregnant that I'll be a terrible mother. What if the baby grows up to hate and resent me? Luke we're not even sure if I'm pregnant and I'm already stressing over things like this." She frowned and I kissed her gently before resting my forehead against hers.

" Lila you are going to be a wonderful mother. If we find out that you are indeed pregnant then we'll figure this out every step of the way. Any baby would love to have someone as caring as you as their mother. Even if we aren't having a baby right now, I know for a fact when the time does come you will be an amazing mom."I smiled and she timidly smiled back. She pecked my lips and snugled further into and rested her head on my bare chest.

" I love you Luke."She yawned.

" I love you to baby." I grinned before closing my eyes and letting the sleep take over.

Sorry this chapter was short I promise the next one will be longer thanks for reading.~ Teagan

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