Chapter 45

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Lila's Pov.

It has been a month since the night Luke and I shared our most intimate experience and today was the day I take the test. The test that could change my whole life. I have been putting this off since I missed my period 2 weeks ago, and Luke had been trying to convince me to take the test since then. Last night I finally gave in. Hes out buying the test right now.

I'm pacing around our living room in our apartment and I don't know what to think. There are pros and cons to having a baby. Babies are adorable but they are such a big responsibility. But then again I wouldn't be doing it alone. I have Luke, the guys, the girls and my mum. It really wouldn't be so bad if I am pregnant.

The door suddenly opened and I quickly turned to see Luke with a small smile holding a plastic shopping bag containing the test. The test I so desperately want to take but at the same time I don't.

Luke came over to me and pecked my lips before handing me the plastic bag. I took a deep breath in and went into the bathroom. I quickly opened the box and took the test. As I was doing up my pants Luke knocked on the door.

" Come in." I called and Luke walked in moments later. He gave me a shy smiled and sat down on the counter across from me, as I was sitting on the lid of the toilet seat.

" How long does the results take?"He asked and I looked down at the discarded box and read the back.

"3 minutes."I said getting more and more anxious as time went on. Luke reached for my hand and entwined our hands together before giving mine a reassuring squeeze I squeezed back and sent a small smile his way.

We sat in silence the whole 3 minutes. No words were exchanged but they didn't have to be. I know Luke was there and he knew I was its all we needed. The timer on my phone went off and I looked over to where the test sat on the edge of the sink. I was going to stand up and get it but Luke sat me back down.

" I hope you know when I say this that no matter what that test says, I will still love you to the moon and back and will be here for you no matter what." Luke smiled and pecked my lips before walking to the sink and picking up the test. He smiled and I waited anxiously for the news.

" Well?"I asked and Luke grinned and came over to me and kissed me, before going onto his knees and kissing my stomach. He starred at my stomach for a little and looked back up at me.

" There's a little Hemmings in there." He smiled and a huge smile stretched across my face. We're having a baby. Luke and I are having a baby. I'm having a baby not only with the love of my life but with my bestfriend.

" We're having a baby." I grinned with happy tears running down my face.Luke chuckled and looked at me with so much love and compassion in his eyes. He wiped my tears away and hugged and kissed me.

" We're having a baby." Luke replied equally as happy if not more happy then me.


Luke and I decided to invite Ashton over to tell him the great news. I did promise after all that he would be the first to know after Luke. With Ashton's help he can help us plan how to tell everyone else.

There was a knock on the door and both Luke and I looked at each other and smiled at each other before he went to go get the door . Seconds later I heard the familiar voice of my older brother.

" Hey man hows it going?"Ashton asked as he took his shoes off at the door.

" Great actually." Luke smiled and Ashton grinned when seeing me. He hugged me and I gladly reciprocated. After a minute we pulled away and sat at the kitchen table. Ashton sat across from me and Luke and smiled at us.

" Why'd you guys invite me over?"Ashton asked with a raised brow.

" Well we have some news." I smiled and Ashton nodded at me telling me to go on. " Ashton...I'm pregnant." I smiled and Ashton grinned as wide as imaginable.

" Congrats you two....when did you find out?"Ashton asked with a smile failing to stay off his face.

" About 2 hours ago." Luke shrugged and Ashton smiled.

" Did you keep your promise and tell me before anyone else?"Ashton asked and I nodded eagerly.

" Yes we did...but Ashton we need your help to tell everyone. We want it to be special."I added and Ashton nodded excitedly.

" I have an idea." He smirked.

"I want to tell mum, Harry and Lauren first oh and Luke's mum and Ben and Jack. Then we'll tell the boys and girls."I said and Ashton smiled.

" I can make that happen."


A few hours later Luke, Ashton and I were all sitting in the living room of my childhood home, waiting for everyone to arrive. Mum was upstairs getting ready and Harry and Lauren were in the back garden playing. We invited Liz, Jack and Ben over for dinner to tell them the great news along with my family. We also decided that after dinner tonight Luke and I will be going over to Ashton's house to tell everyone else the great news.

I was deep in thought and was surprised when Luke grabbed my hand gently and kissed the back of it before setting it down on his knee. I sent a shy smile his way and he gladly reciprocated.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I noticeably stiffened as Ashton went to go get the door. Luke noticed and pecked my lips gently. Before whispering into my ear.

" Don't be so nervous baby its great news."He smiled before kissing the side of my head, I smiled back. I was about to say something back when everyone came into the living room.

" Lila!Luke!"Liz cheered and ran over to us. We stood up from the couch and she hugged us to death causing Luke to send a nervous glace at me. I brushed it off and mouthed to him 'I'm fine'. We all sat down after our greeting and Mum, Lauren and Harry came in and joined us. I smiled at all of them and started to get more and more nervous. My pulse quickened and my hands became sweaty I took a deep breath as Luke started talking.

" Well Lila and I have some news."Luke started and that drew in everyone's attention.

" What news?"Ben and Jack asked with furrowed eyebrows.

" Lila and I are having a baby!"Luke grinned and the room was suddenly filled with girlish squeals. Those belonging to Mum and Liz.

" Were going to be grandma's!" They shrieked and hugged eachother, before coming to hug both Luke and I.

I looked around and Ben and Jack had huge smiles on their faces, Lauren and Harry looked over joyed and Ashton had a big smile stretched across his face considering he already knew and was the first to know other then Luke and I.

" Congratulations!"

Now we just have to tell Calum, Michael, Julia, Alyssa and Beth.

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