I'm letting him win... Bomby x Firey Jr. (Platonic)

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Requested by Ingonious

Plot: Firey Jr. has a bad day, and Bomby cheers him up by playing video games, and letting the young flame win.

(A/N): Small mention of Fireafy

Bomby's POV

"So, what you're saying is that Firey Jr. ISN'T my son?" Firey asked, worried about the truth.

"Just because he's a mini you, doesn't mean he's your son!" I tried explaining to the BFDI winner. Firey had always thought that Firey Jr was his son, just because they are both flames.

Though maybe it would be possible, but how do flames have kids of their own? Do they clone themselves? Maybe excess fire becomes their kids? Nah, that can't be possible, otherwise Firey would have a LOT more children to watch over.

He frowned, turning to the opposite direction of mine, and shouting, "Hey Leafy! Can we adopt Firey Jr? We'd be great parents!"

"But he IS your son! We did the DNA test!" Leafy shouted from 2763 miles away.

Firey died from happiness after hearing what Leafy said. He was such a simp for his own wife.

Wait, so Leafy is Firey Jr's mom?!

I sighed, walking away from the ash corpse scattered on the grass. Little flames danced on the grass before finally dying out. I had to be aware of them, and avoid them, for if they touched me, I could explode.

Firey is a strange contestant, and an idiot as well...

I noticed a table supplied with bananas. Exactly 2763 of them. Why would a person gather so many bananas in one spot?

Not like that mattered, though. I love bananas!

I picked up the yellow fruit, and removed the peel, eating it slowly. Mmm! Yummy banana goodness!

Perhaps I can make banana milkshakes with these? I always like having those!

"FINE! YOUR ADS ARE LAME ANYWAYS!" A young, rebellious voice shouted from behind me. It startled me, making me spit out the banana, which landed on the ground. That upset me, but it wasn't my main concern.

Out of curiousity, I turned around, and saw my best friend, Firey Jr, arguing with Yellow Face!

"Don't say that about my ads, puny flame!" Yellow guy screamed. "I told you to collect ALL the bananas so then I could sell them!"

"You made me do that for hours!" Firey Jr shot back. "You're just a big, dumb, idiot!"

Yellow man gasped. "Well, you smell like feet!"

Wow. Low blow, Yellow Face...

The smol flame growled, stomping over to my direction, and sat down right next to me. "Hmph...Stupid Yellow Face and his stupid ads..."

"Firey Jr, what's wrong? You look depressed!" I conveyed my concern for him, and even set aside a second banana I wanted to eat.

He rolled his eyes. "Today has been the worst day ever!"

I looked into his eyes, giving him a gentle gaze. "Oh, do you want to tell me about it?"

Firey Jr. groaned, plopping down on the grass, and I watched as the small patch he was sitting on dying, burning until it had a dark gray complexion. "Yeah...First, Donut woke me up and yelled at me for accidently burning Woody two days ago. Next, Teardrop chased me around, trying to extinguish me for hours! Then, Gelatin took away my icecream! And Yellow Face? He forced me to get a lot of bananas for him, just so he could make a profit!" It was obvious that he was irritated.

"Wow...That must have been rough on you, buddy..." I emphasized with him. Poor Firey Jr has had a very bad day, but I know how to cheer him up! "How about we play some video games to get your mind off it?"

His eyes lit up, and flames swirled around his figure. "Really? Thanks Bomby! You're the best!"

I grinned, walking over to a couch, game console, and TV that was conveniently placed outside next to us.

Firey Jr rushed over, jumping on top of the couch, and grabbing a controller for him and I. "Here!"

I took it, smiling at him. "Thanks!"

He turned on the console, and popped in a game I really like, called '4x: The Trilogy game series.' It was a game where you play as Four, and you try to not be a total simp while rescuing X from Two!

We started the game, and his mood increased almost instantly!

"Heh, this is gonna be fun!"

Timeskip 1 hour

I played the game with Firey Jr for a while, until we got to the PvP level, where him and I would have to fight each other. But unfortunately, he might end up loosing, and I don't mean it in a rude way. I've played this game many times, and I have mastered it! In fact, I played against Four themself, and won!

But you know what?

This time...I'm letting him win...

"I'm gonna beat you, Bomby!" Firey Jr. snickered, as he used melee attacks on my character. Those, of course, I dodged. He knew I was good at this game, so I couldn't make it obvious that I would let him win.

I could see the struggle in his eyes as he tried to kill me. In the game, of course. I slowed down my character, as he threw a fork at me with his character, my own character exploded, and I lost!

The screen displayed a game over for me, but a congratulations for Firey Jr.

"Aw yeah! I won!" Firey Jr exclaimed. "That was awesome, Bomby!"

"Yeah, it really was!" I chuckled, patting his head gently. It may have burnt slightly, but it wouldn't light me, so I was okay with it.

He looked back at me with a spark in his eyes, one that could always tell me he truly felt confident in his abilities. "Can we play again, but invite Grassy to play with us?"

How could I say no to that adorable face?

I grinned, "Sure, we can get him. Anything to make this game more fun for you."

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