You taught me love...and reading... Firey x Tennisball

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Requested by anonymouswoman69

Plot: Tennisball teaches Firey how to read, and Firey admits to having a very embarrassing reason for wanting to learn how to read.

Firey's POV

I sighed, looking for someone who I knew was smart. Leafy has teased me before about being unable to read, and it hurts. She was supposed to be my friend, and Pin told me that friends don't hurt each other's feelings. I know I've hurt Leafy, but she really doesn't have to do me dirty like that!

Although I never had too much of an interest in reading, there is something I want to be able to read now. Foldy left this book at a random bench, and I saw a drawing of Tennisball and Golfball kissing each other.

I asked her what the book was about, and she said it was a Tennisball x Golfball fanfiction.

Fanfiction sucks already, but what's worse is the fact that she's shipping Golfball with my crush! Wait, did I say crush? Uh, I mean my favorite friend! Heh heh...

Fine, I'm in love with Tennisball, so what? He's cute, and smart and hot and- Okay, I'm rambling again. Point is...I think I'm jealous. Maybe if I learn how to read, I can read this fanfiction, I can learn how to make Tennisball like me!

But it won't be easy. He hangs out with GB all the time, so he probably does like her. Maybe I can get Flower to crush her? I'd like that. Then Tennisball can't love her!

But first, I still need to find someone who is smart, doesn't hate me, and is a good teacher. But...who?

"Hey Firey, how are you?" Tennisball asked. I hadn't realized he was right there.

My flames rose slightly, and I was a bit surprised. "Oh, T-Tennisball! Hi!"

"Are you okay? You seem nervous..." He asked. "Then again, you seem to act like this a lot when I appear out of nowhere-"

"Yeah, you just startled me. I'm fine." I assured him. "I just wanted to find someone who is smart, doesn't hate me, and is good at teaching. I wanna learn how to read!"

Tennisball grinned, "Oh, I can teach you! I don't hate you, and Golfball says I'm really smart!"

I frowned when he mentioned Golfball. She's always around him, but for some reason, she isn't anywhere near here!

But that doesn't matter. Tennisball wants to teach me how to read! Not only will I get smarter, but I'll also gst to hang out with TB! "Yeah, that sounds like an awesome idea!"

The ball boy pulled a book out of thin air, and set it on the floor. "Alright Firey, let's start by teaching you sight words!"

Oh god-

Timeskip 87 hours

"Alright, now read this sentence!" Tennisball told me to read a sentence from this book called, "Foldy's Oneshots!"

"Okay! Uh..." I looked at the sentence, and frowned. "Golfball and Tennisball got married to each other, and had 2763 kids..."

Tennisball raised an eyebrow. "What? Not that sentence!"

I groaned, "Why are you even hanging out with me? Go with your GIRLFRIEND!"

Tennisball gave me that adorable confused face he makes when something doesn't make sense to him. "My girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend!"

"Well you just LOVE hanging out with Golfball, don't you?" I crossed my arms. I know he likes her. He could at least admit it instead of lying to me!

"Golfball and I are just friends, though." He said. "I like her, but only in a platonic way!"

I looked into his eyes. "Huh? I...thought you had a crush on her!"

He shook his head. "Nope! I did back when BFDI first started, but now I only see her as a friend."

TB isn't in love with GB? Perfect! Fangirls will be upset, but at least I have a chance with him now!

"So Firey, I was wondering...What inspired you to learn how to read, anyways?"

I turned a light shade of pink in the middle of my flames, as well as my flames growing taller. "U-Uh, n-no reason! It's totally not because I was jealous of Golfball and thought that learning how to read would help me read the fanfictions and figure out how to make you fall in love with me- Heh, that would be ridiculous!"

Narrator POV

Tennisball's face flushed a bright red color as he heard what Firey had to say. Although the flame was trying to imply that everything he said wasn't true, Tennisball was smart, and understood that Firey was just being his stupid self, revealing secrets he shouldn't have revealed. Though usually, he was very good at being able to hide the truth, just not when it came to his crush.

"F-Firey...Do you love me?" Tennisball asked, innocently looking into Firey's eyes.

The literal hot male averted his eyes, and as he realized his defeat, he sighed. "I guess there's no hiding the obvious truth now...TB, I'm in love with you...A-And I have been...for a while...You taught me love...and reading..."

The nerd grinned nervously, "Oh, wow, uhm, geez Firey, I, uh-" He continued to stutter nervously for 2763 seconds.

Firey then lost his patience with Tennisball. "Oh, just shut up and kiss me, you cute nerd!"

The orange boi grabbed the round boi, and kissed his lips. He would have kissed quite roughly, but Tennisball was set ablaze, and died within seconds.

"Oh heck." Firey swore on Four's Christian Minecraft server.

Four appeared out of thin air, glaring at Firey. "Did you just swear, Fire-Ball?!"

The flame was at a loss for words. "I-"

Four prepared for the zappies. "Ready to meet Jesus?!"

"First, can you recover TB?" Firey asked, dabbing on the haters.

The nonbinary numeral rolled their eyes. "Fiiiine. I'll bring back your nerdy boyfriend."

Within mere seconds, Tennisball was revived, and Firey shoved a Yoyleberry down his throat.

"H-Hey! What was that for, Firey?!"

"Let me marry you-"

Timeskip 2763 hours

They got married lol, and adopted 87 kids.

BFDI/BFB/TPOT Oneshots! ❤ - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now