I can hear you... Pin x Teardrop

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Requested by milfleafy

Plot: Teardrop comforts Pin after remembering how bad of a person she used to be early in her years as a competitor. TD then reveals her voice to Pin.

(A/N): Implied Past Coinpin?

Narrator POV

'You JERK!'

'This is why nobody likes you!'

'You should just quit!'

'Worse than Bone from Animated Inanimate Battle!'

'We hate you!'

These negative comments filled Pin's mind for months now.

The red woman was being avoided by everyone, even Coiny, her now ex-boyfriend. They had been a happy couple for a while, until more contestants reminded Coiny about what kind of person Pin used to be. He grew a hatred for her, though instead of staying in a toxic relationship with her, Coiny broke up with Pin.

It broke Pin's heart, but she felt as though, she perhaps deserved this for years of being mean to everyone.

But, she had changed, right? Well, yes, but no one cared.

Except for Teardrop.

The water-based specimen had listened to Pin before. In fact, Teardrop was a great listener. Sure, she could be impulsive, as Woody experienced the hard way, but her metaphorical heart was in the right place.

Teardrop grew sick of hearing the others talk trash about Pin.

Teardrops's POV

I will do a violence at anyone who says mean things to Pin.

Narrator POV

Teardrop held a daisy in her hand, carelessly plucking out the petals with her other hand out of boredom. Until she heard crying, that is. Pin's crying. TD dropped the daisy that now lacked petals, and swiftly followed the sound of bisexual weeping.

Her steps were quiet, as she strolled to the direction in which the noise got louder. Teardrop scanned the surrounding area, and spotted a silver, sharp point behind a conveniently placed bed. It shook, which confirmed for TD that a live contestant resided there. She could tell the shaking was slight, from crying. She also knew who it was that was crying.

"Wh-Why can't I-be good en-ough...to ch-ange?" A voice stammered, barely able to hold back tears.

Teardrop walked to the other side of the bed, and saw Pin, who was covering her face to hide the sad expression she bore.

Pin wasn't able to tell that Teardrop was there. Being mute made sneaking up on other people much more easy than it should be. So Teardrop gently tapped Pin's shoulder, and sat down next to the distressed female.

"O-Oh, Tear-drop..." Pin gasped with slight surprise. "It's...ju-st you..."

The mute contestant nodded, gazing into Pin's sorrowful eyes.

Now although Teardrop couldn't talk, some contestants were able to get a general understanding of what they were implying. Some. Not all. Pin was one of them that could partially understand TD.

"I'm so-rry for cry-ing. I kn-ow it mu-st be an-noy-ing to you..." Pin apologized, averting her eyes from the water based specimen.

Teardrop shook their head, patting Pin's shoulder.

Pin pushed TD's hand off her own shoulder. "Tear-drop, do-n't you get-it? Eve-ry-one hates me! I was so mean to eve-ry-one, and-now, no one li-kes me! Why do you ca-re to stay-with me?"

Teardrop sighed, no sound escaping her mouth. All they could do was listen.

"I trea-ted eve-ry-one so ru-dely! I was so-mean back wh-en the announ-cer was in charge! I wan-ted to win, but I took-it too far! Coi-ny was the first to try and be-my friend. I had a big crush on-him, so I wan-ted to be his friend. Truth is, he only be-gan dat-ing me be-cause I gave-him 2763 threats, that if he did-not date me, I would crush him. Since he was sc-ared, he be-came my boy-friend. Though, I was still ne-ver very nice to him. I sort-of, ac-ted like a tox-ic jerk. I...regret it, though. But he was-n't the on-ly one I was mean-to. Even Lea-fy is be-tter than me!"

The mute lesbian shook her head, and held Pin's hand.

"TD, wh-what are-you...do-ing?" Pin asked her only friend. She felt flustered when her hands were touched by the water-based specimen.

And then...Teardrop did something Pin would have never dreamed of hearing.

"I know what it's like to feel as though everyone hates you. I...received hate from some of Woody's fans when I acted badly, being impulsive, and ending in hurting him. I regretted hurting him, but his fans didn't care. They made me feel like a monster. But I'm not a monster. I never meant to hurt him, and I have tried being nicer to everyone else in order to change. Did it do much? Maybe not, but I know I'm not a monster. I have changed, and so have you."

Pin was silent throughout her friend's entire speech. Teardrop's voice was strong, but felt gentle and softer than silk at the same time. For a moment, Pin wondered if she had just been shot, died, went to heaven, and was talking to an angel.

Then Pin spoke again. "Tear-drop...you-can...talk?"

Teardrop's face contorted into one with disappointment and annoyance. "Seriously?" She raised an eyebrow. "I just gave you a pep talk and all you have to say is 'Oh Teardrop, you can talk?' I expected more."

"Sor-ry, sor-ry...I just-"

Teardrop chuckled, "Hey, it's fine. I understand."

Pin smiled, then blushed slightly. "Tear-drop..May I, uhm...well...kiss-you?"

It was Teardrop's turn to become flustered by the unexpected question. She had a huge crush on Pin for such a long time, and now, her crush wanted to kiss her!

The droplet nodded with little hesitation. "Yeah...go ahead..."

Pin kissed Teardrop's watery cheek gently, and held her hand in a loving way. "I'm so-glad th-at af-ter all these yea-rs...I can hear you..."

Coiny's POV

I've been watching this gayness go down. Dang I'm good! But Pin sucks lol

Teardrop's POV

I feel a disturbance in my presence...Someone thinks Pin sucks...

I'll kill them 😊

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