Authors note.

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It's been a while since I've written something. And I was just reading some of the old chapters and I'm pretty sure I threw up in my mouth a little. I honestly have nothing better to do so maybe I'll finish this story and get on with my life. As much as I want to delete this from the public eye I need it here as a reminder, that when you publish stuff to the public you better make sure you won't want to kill yourself because of it a few years down the line.

So I have a question for the readers since you all love to comment on this story. Shall I continue this story with actual plot and take it seriously, or dick around and make it funny.
Take the piss out of it?
Take it seriously?

Let's hope I don't regret this😀

Naughty Capitan.(Levi x reader) LemonWhere stories live. Discover now