Chapter One

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I awoke suddenly to a thunderstorm and the beeping sound of an EKG monitor next to me. My head felt as if it were splitting open and my chest felt heavy. "What the fuck happened." I thought to myself as I struggled to pull myself up in the hospital bed. A stinging pain ran through my right hand. I looked down at my bandaged hand. I could feel a hole in the palm of my hand as I rubbed my fingers across it. I tried to recall the night before, but everything was such a blur.

"Ah I see that you're awake Dr. Rose I am Dr. Smith." a tall man in a doctor's coat said as he walked into the room. " You can just call me Rose I only go by doctor at work." I replied. "Well you're quite lucky that your maid found you when she did. You had quite the high dosage of Lexapro in your system." He said as he read off of a medical chart in his hands. That couldn't be right I was only suppose to take one of my antidepressants a day, and as far as I could remember I only took one yesterday. "Also there is a detective here who has been waiting for you to awake." He said as he made his way to the door. "A detective? What for?" I asked. "She didn't say." He replied as he closed the door.

I finally noticed that my left arm was handcuffed to the bed. "You're such a pathetic fool Rose." a strong voice said from the darkness behind the door. The lightning from the storm flashed and I caught a glimpse of the figure in the distance. A man stood leaning against the wall with one leg crossed in front of the other. His arms were folded across his black buttoned up trench coat. His drip and the atmosphere that radiated off of him was godly. His gray dreadlocks were tied back out of his face, and his dark brown eyes peered aimlessly into mine as I met his gaze. It was as if I were staring into a mirror.

"What the hell are you doing here." I asked as my breathing suddenly became heavy. He began walking towards me, and with each step he took the lightning flashed making the ambiance in the room eerily cold. " You know why I'm here." the man in black said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "How long has it been Rose? How long has it been since we've had a chat?". I slowly began trying to compose my thoughts and slow down my breathing. "What is it that we would even have to discuss?" I replied. He laughed. "Now that's the Rose I know. You and I are in for one hell of a ride." The door swung open and he disappeared. "Who were you just talking to?" A short brown skinned woman asked as she walked towards me. I shook my head "No one." It was him "Other Rose".

She flashed her badge "I'm Detective Areail Jones and I'm your biggest fan, however I wish that I could be meeting you for the first time under different circumstances. I'm taking you in for questioning." "What am I being arrested for?" I asked her as I stood up. "It's your girlfriend Sasha. Dr.Rose she's missing and you turn up the next morning in a hospital, so that makes you the prime suspect."

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