Chapter 7

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I began sinking falling deeper and deeper into the cool dark waters. As I opened my eyes I could see Sasha lying at the bottom as I got closer to her. "Rose wake up." Areail called out as she shook me. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I had fallen asleep next to the fireplace. "Come on Halle has breakfast for us." She said as she disappeared around the corner. I rubbed my face and sighed as the morning sun flooded the living room. What was that just now? Was it it a dream no it couldn't have been cause I've only been having nightmares.

That felt like when I was thrown into that abyss. Am I now freely entering the Mental Abyss? I wonder if finding myself last night is already beginning to have an affect on me. Yesterday felt like one of the longest days of my entire life everything happened so fast. The smell of steak, potatoes, and eggs swiftly lifted me to my feet as I wandered into the kitchen. "Good Morning young one." Halle said as she poured the last of the diced potatoes out of the pan and into a bowl. "Good Morning." I replied through a yawn as I tied my dreads out of my face.

I washed my hands before anything else I was a huge germaphobe which is why I'm surprised I didn't freak out in the hospital. "What was all that noise coming from your study last night?" Halle asked as she handed me a plate. I glanced over at Halle who let off a grin "Oh nothing just trying to figure some stuff out about this situation nothing strange." I replied as I grabbed several pieces of the sliced steak layering it nicely next to the potatoes and eggs. I picked up a piece and put it into my mouth. It was so succulent Halle's cooking was always stupendous.

"Delicious as usual." I said to her. She smiled as she turned to walk out of the kitchen "I'll give you two some time alone." I turned on the tv and began watching one of my favorite anime "Demon Slayer" as I continued eating. "You never struck me as a guy who watches anime." She said as she drizzled ketchup on her potatoes. I couldn't help but to look in disgust at the oozing red sauce. "I'm not surprised. I don't strike most people as anything to begin with so it's not a shocker." I replied.

"So before psychology did you have any other career path?" She asked as she glanced at the tv screen. I placed my fork down as I chewed the medium-well morsels. " I actually thought I was going to go and play in the NFL, but things happened and now here I am." She stared at me for a long time as if waiting on more. "If you're waiting on more details you're not getting any. It's not one of my favorite topics to speak on." As I laughed being careful not to slam my bandaged hand against the table . Well to Areail it felt good to at least try to get some information out of the eerily mysterious Rose.

"Well since I went behind your back I would like to apologize for going to Smithhaven without telling you." She said as she held her head down. "What's she sad for she was bound to find out anyway." Other said as he swung upside down from the chandelier with a steak in his hands. " Get down from there you idiot." I said. Areail looked up at the chandelier "Is it Other?" She asked. I nodded my head "Yeah we got into a little mix up last night which is why you found me with my gun at my head, but I think we've reconciled ." I said.

We finished eating so that Halle could clean the kitchen  and made our way back to my study. "Alright for starters I need to understand what happened between you and Sasha so we can try to narrow some things down." Areail said as she sat in my chair with a notepad. I began pacing back and forth trying to gather my thoughts. I knelt down and grabbed the photo of me and her that Other threw down. I smiled as I rubbed the picture. I missed her so much. "Well I wasn't the man that she needed me to be. She wasn't going to wait forever for me to get myself together." I said

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked as she was writing. "Well to make a long story short you as women are very lucky to be able to mature a lot faster then us men. I didn't find myself fast enough, but something happened to me last night and now I know who I am and why I am." I responded. " So basically you couldn't become a man that knew how to treat his woman because you weren't taught?" She asked. I nodded "Yes, exactly that sadly. I lied about things that I shouldn't have, I couldn't give her the emotions she desired, but she doesn't know that a lot of that was caused by an immense amount of anxiety pressure." I explained.

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