Chapter 6

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"I've got to go I'll call on when I can." Chief Jones heard his daughter say as she hung up. He finished his cigar and tossed the end out into the rainy parking lot before making his way back into the building. The Aglovale City police station was one of the most famous in the state of Washington, and Chief Dante Jones had been running the show for about twenty five years. He made his way to his office through the dimly lit hallways. He had sent everyone home for the night thanks to the raging storm outside.

As he sat down at his desk he picked up a photo. On it was his daughter Areail and his wife Teresa. He kissed the photo and placed it back down lightning flickered and a figure appeared in the doorway. "Well we'll isn't that sweet." The figure said. "Damn it I hate it when you do that!" Chief Jones screamed out. The figure walked towards him shaking the rain off of its umbrella before placing it next to the chair. It made its way over to the window beside him and stared off into the distance of the busy inner city streets. " I went and saw Rose." It said. Chief Jones lit his cigar and said "Now why in the fuck would you do that Kayla?" He asked before taking a long hit from the cigar.

Kayla pulled her hood off of her head and peered over at him . "It's because he's not fucking stupid." She responded as she fanned the disgusting cigar smoke from her face. " I hate that fucking smell." She said as she said down across from him crossing her legs across his desk. "You've got some nerve putting you feet on my desk." he said as he took out two glasses and poured Jack Daniels into each. He reached out to hand her the glass. "None for me I prefer to be focused when I work." She said as she looked at her iPhone.

On the phone was a live camera feed of the guest bedroom in her house. In the bed fast asleep was a woman. "Sleep well best friend it'll all be over soon." She said as she slipped the phone into her Armani shoulder bag. Kayla loved her best friend and would do anything that she could to prevent her from being harmed even if it meant kidnapping her. "What is your obsession?" Chief Jones asked amusingly. Kayla took a sip from the glass and thought about how best to answer that question.

"Sasha had been my best friend since high school, and I love her. It's more than a friendship our bond is something that will live on forever. If I have to take down  something that I feel is a threat to her then you better believe I will." She replied fiercely. Chief Jones downed the remainder of his drink and poured himself another "Sounds to me like you're in love with her." He said staring into her eyes. She snatched the bottle of whiskey off the table and tossed it across the office.

"I'm doing what's best for her that freak doesn't deserve her it has nothing to do with how I feel about her!" She shouted. Sasha and Kayla had been through everything together until one day a rose grew in between them. As that rose bloomed more and more so did the distaste for him from Kayla. "You don't understand what he's put her through how could he say he loves her?" She said. Chief Jones laughed as he drank more of his liquor. " Look I hate the guy as much as you do. My life had been hell since he showed up in this city as a psychologist damn kid should've picked another career . Receiving all of the glory for everything that should be me living the good life outside of town!" He yelled.

Chief Jones had been working on the force for forty years before taking over as chief ten years ago. He'd built a name for himself and the department, and then everything changed when Rose appeared back in town three years ago. "If it wasn't for him I'd be the hero of this city. I would've put all those freaks in Smithhaven along with his ass because I can also see the monster living within him." He said. Kayla stood up and begun pacing the floor. " We don't have much time eventually he will take notice of the situation at hand, and he will come for us. We have to do something and we have to do it now." she stated.

"Look relax we'll plan something soon." He said. In that moment a rush of frustration overcame her as she quickly drew her Glock 19 out on him. "Did you just give me a motherfucking order?" She asked. Kayla was fed up and knew that they had to make a move soon before Rose could hunt them. "Enough of the bullshit Chief the only reason I decided to do this shit with you is because we've got a common enemy." She said as she tossed a phone at him. "What's this?" He asked as he caught it.

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