Chapter 4

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I watched as Areail left out of the door to report to her father. I climbed up the stairs and headed to my bedroom. All I could think about was getting some sleep, but I knew that if I slept the nightmares would occur. I opened the door and made my way over to the bed. I hadn't been in the room too much since Sasha left, so it only stayed clean thanks to Halle.

I sat down on my side of the bed and stared out of the glass sliding door that led to the balcony. The constant pitter patter of the rain against the glass slowly calmed my nerves. At this point I needed a Red Bull to keep me awake sleeping was definitely not an option. "Sorry to disturb you Mr. Rose, but Ms. Kayla is here to speak with you." Halle said as she stood in the doorway. Damn it not her not now this was definitely not a time to speak with her.

"Fine I'll be down in a second but do not under any circumstance let her into this house." I said as I made my way over to my dresser. "Very well." Halle replied as she walked back down the stairs. I stared at the reflection in the mirror. I was so drained that I could barely recognize myself. My eyes were full of anger and sorrow that I couldn't stand to look at the man in the mirror. "Oh this should be good." Other said from the bed this time dressed in a bright red haori he had on a pair of shades, but I noticed that his eyes were now glowing red. "You know you're not suppose to be on Sasha's side of the bed." I said as I pointed. "Yeah whatever let's go see what this girl wants." He scoffed as he sank into the bed.

I made my way downstairs and over to the door. Kayla was the last person that I wanted to speak to. She had a deep rooted hate for me for things that happened between Sasha and I, and I had an unrelenting feeling of envy for her because she and Sasha had something that I never could: a forever bond. "Who is it?" I said as I leaned my back against the door. "You know exactly who the hell it is Rose, so open the door." A angry voice called back. "Are you going to let her in?" Other said as he stood in front of the fireplace across the room. I gave him a stern look "Hey I was just asking." He said as he held his hands up.

"Look she was supposed to show up at the house last night, but she said she was going to stop by and see you first." She said. That's strange why would she stop by and see me. " I haven't spoken to her so why would she stop by here to see me?" I asked. "All I want to know is do you have anything to do with what's going on?" She asked hastily. "No." I replied. There was a brief moment of silence and then she said "Listen here you little bitch if you did anything to my best friend or if I find out you had something to do with what's going on I will kill you." She said angrily.

My eye began to twitch and I could feel my body getting hot as my anger started to boil over. Other began to smirk at me "Let the show commence." He said. Before I knew it I had swung the door open and I was now face to face with Kayla. She was dressed in all black down to her rain boots. Her hoodie pulled tightly over her head as her braids hung down on both sides of her head, and her hazel eyes were as cold as the weather. "You know damn well I would never lay a finger on her!" I yelled. She took a few steps back "Just know I'm on to you. I can't see what she sees in you all I can see is a little ass boy no more like a "monster". As far as I'm concerned you caused all of this you're the one who hurt her to begin with." She said as she pointed her finger in my face.

I could feel my rage begin to consume me "Yes! Let it out." Other called out. "Fuck You Kayla, and if I find out that you caused this I will not hesitate to put a red dot right between your eyes. Now get the fuck out of here!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me. I heard her car turn on and speed out of the yard. "Fuck!" I yelled as I threw a glass vase to the floor. I made my way to my study and began downing shot after shot of Hennessy as I could feel my anxiety building up. "You know she's not wrong you did hurt Sasha." Other said as he held a picture of Sasha and I in his hands. I placed my shot glass down and looked up from my desk.

"What the hell did you just say?" I asked now fully intoxicated. Other tossed the picture aside "You heard what I said." he said as he walked over to me. I didn't have time for this bullshit right now I needed to calm down, because the last time I felt like this I got into a death-match with my father. "Let's face the facts Rose, you are the son of a "demon" which in fact makes you a "monster" you are your father's son". He said as he took a shot. My mind begun racing laps at hundreds of miles per hour. Was he right? Was I really the cause of all of my problems? No no no! I'm not the cause it's everyone else.

They all gave up on me every single last one of them left me in their rear view when I needed them the most. They didn't fully understand me they felt as though everything was done intentionally and came to the conclusion that it was done to harm. They could all go to hell for all I cared. No one thought to get me help when I needed it. Also those two were a direct root cause of all this anguish.

This was all his fault Other and that fucking "demon" who haunts me day in and day out. " Fuck You." I scoffed as I tossed back another shot. He walked over to me and threw my shot glass at the wall. "If it wasn't for me you'd be a dead man you and mom." He said as the glow of his red eyes began to radiate. I could feel the pressure coming from him it was cold. He jumped on top of my desk and grabbed me by my collar lifting me up into the air with immeasurable strength. " Do you really believe that you could take me on?" He asked tilting his head. I head butted him in the face, but it didn't phase him.  "You can't hurt me." He laughed.

Next thing I know I'm flying backwards into my wall. "Do you know what separates a king and his horse?" He asked as I made my way to my feet. I threw a punch, but he matched my fist. Landing a blow on him would be difficult because in essence we were the same. He however would be able to land a hit on me because my mind wasn't on his wavelength, but his was on mine. "The king leads his men into the battlefield while the horse carries the king." He said as he connected with my jaw. I wasn't following him just where exactly was he going with this explanation? We traded blows consecutively banging fist against fist neither of us wanting to give in to the other. He grabbed me and dug his knee deep into my gut. I fell to the floor gasping for air.

"It's simple really it's Intuition!" He yelled out as he straddled me like and mma fighter and began to pummel me. "It is that which forms our very being. Deep within us all lies the instinct to dominate our lives and those who wish negativity upon us." He said as he threw me against my desk. He downed a shot before walking over to me. I tried to move, but I was in so much pain and my body was afraid. He knelt down and grabbed me by the face "You my friend don't have that. Why? It's because you are weak Rose." He dragged me across the floor and threw me into the wall once more. "I should've let you die that day!" He yelled. I could barely focus on my surroundings, but as I looked over next to me I tried to reach out and grab the photo that he tossed aside earlier.

"How pathetic." He said as he picked me up and pinned me against the wall by the neck. "She can't help you she left you she doesn't love you, and it's because you are weak." He said as he put my gun up to my forehead. "If you can't assert your dominance and maintain this crown with your own strength then I should just kill you right now. Even if it means I should cease to exist at least I don't have to be a horse to a king as weak as you." He said as he cocked the gun. In that moment in time a flash of light hovered overhead and I blacked out.

The freezing cold wind awoke me from what felt like a deep slumber. "Where am I." I said aloud. I looked out at the frozen surroundings that seemed to stretch for miles. I didn't do this cold shit. I stood to my feet and began to walk through the thick snow covered tundra. Off in the distance I could see the light flickering from a fire. I ran as fast as I could falling right next to it . I could feel my body start to defrost. "Well I see that you finally grace me with your presence." A man said from behind me. I slowly turned around " Sit down won't you." he said as he patted the log next to him. "What are you doing here!" I said shockingly.

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