Chapter Two

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It was cold and dark. The only light was shining from a bulb off in the distance. I began walking to it and a familiar figure began to manifest. A short woman stood off in the distance with her back turned to me. Her curly hair was pulled back into a huge puff that swayed with the wind. Her caramel skin glowed as the light reflected off of it. The closer I got the farther she seemed to be. "Sasha?" I called out. Her head tilted slightly but never turned to me. "Give up and take your L" a voice called out from the figure. I began running to her , but something began pulling me back. "Sasha wait!" I yelled out as my hand reached out towards her.

"Wry!" I screamed out. "Dr. Rose are you ok?" I heard a voice say next to me. I looked over to see the Detective staring at me intensely. Oh yeah that's right I'm on the way in for questioning. "Sorry about that just a bad dream." I sighed as I stared out of the into the stormy night. Why of all things is that the dream I'm having right now I thought to myself. I hadn't slept in weeks from fear of nightmares so why now all of a sudden?

"Now that was real smooth genius." A voice laughed from the back. I looked at the reflection in the sideview mirror to see "Other Rose" sitting behind me. "What do you know about last night?" I asked him. He propped his legs up in the backseat of the Tesla Model S, and leaned back against the window. "Honestly, I'm just as confused as you on the situation. For me to have manifested completely you had to have a serious anxiety problem last night." He laughed as he stared up at the ceiling. "Wake me when we get there." He said as he dissipated into the dark. "You say something Dr.?" Detective Jones asked. I shook my head.

I'm going to have to start watching how I talk to "Other" when people are around. Especially during a time like this I'll definitely look crazy best to keep a low profile. "Best to keep a low profile.....Is that the best you can think of!?" Other yelled out to me. I gave him a look in the mirror and he calmly drifted back into the dark. "I'm new in town by the way." She said to me as we sped down the dark Seattle highway. I figured she was new. I'd been working as a psychologist in this town for about three years and knew everyone on the police force. "So you're the chief's kid?" I asked calmly as I noticed his picture on her dashboard. She sighed "Yep. That's me a second generation detective. Don't judge me I worked for what I have."  I looked at her and shook my head. "Sorry that's not what I was implying I just noticed his picture that's all."

I couldn't help but notice that my last book was on her floor. "Smithhaven: Behind their minds". It was the book I had written two years ago based on the Smithhaven Mental Institution where I've admitted some patients. "Interested in psychology?" I said holding up the book. Her eyes glittered with excitement "Yes! I've read that book countless times. I'm just so fascinated by how the human mind works." She said. "And the way that you handled those patients was incredible. Especially that one guy called the "Demon" it was like you knew the guy your entire life." I rubbed my fingers across the book Yeah I knew him all right I thought to myself. "Tell her." Other said softly into my ear. "No."

We finally pulled up in front of the station. I never thought I'd be back here for a while let alone as a suspect. "Do you have an umbrella?" I asked. I had a very irrational fear of being wet with clothes on it made me sick to my stomach. She reached in the back and grabbed two umbrellas unknowingly grabbing them out of the hands of Other. "Here you go." As she handed me the clear umbrella. I ran to the door I loved the rain, but I hated being caught in it. We made our way inside it was quiet as usual. Not much went on in this small section of the city unless it had something to do with Smithhaven.

"Rose welcome in." Chief Jones said as he embraced me with a hug. He was a big husky guy so his hug felt more like a bear was grasping me. "Sorry that we're seeing each other again under this type of situation." We walked into his office and he shut the door behind us. The Chief and I went way back. I had known him most of my life and we grew closer after I became a psychologist and began helping out him and his department. "Alright so let's cut to the chase Rose do you want to tell me about this." He said as he sat back in his chair and lit a cigar. He knew I hated the smell of those thing, but he also knew that I should know he only smokes them around time when it's a serious situation. He sat a evidence bag onto the table inside was a smashed up iPhone covered in blood. I recognized the case on the phone it was definitely Sasha's.

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