SMG4: If Mario Was In... // BETWEEN STORIES STORY OF Y/N //....Doomsday

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[Y/N] walked around the Internet graveyard a bit seeing everyone live their lives. "I should come here more often," [Y/N] says to [himself/herself]. It's been a couple of days since [Y/N] broke up with SMG4. [Y/N] has been living in the internet graveyard for those times with SMG3 who took [him/her] under his wing. "There you are!" A voice was heard. [Y/N] turns and sees SMG3. "I was wondering where you ran off too." [Y/N] shrugs and looks out at the scenery, "Just getting some fresh air." SMG3 stood by [Y/N]'s side and looked out. "You wouldn't have liked this place before I took over," [Y/N] looked at SMG3, "Can I ask you something?" SMG3 looks at [Y/N]. "Of course what is it?" [Y/N] looked down and back at SMG3. "Are you curious like SMG4 is, about where you two came from?" SMG3 shrugged. "A little, but I'm not really fully on the case like SMG4 is. Why?" SMG3 took [Y/N]'s hand. "Oh just thinking." SMG3 turned [Y/N] towards him. "Did I ever say sorry for throwing you off the building..?" [Y/N] thought for a moment. "Not that I recalled..." SMG3 sighed. "Listen I'm so sorry for that.. I wasn't in the right mind set, I guess I was so desperate to get that dumb remote and upset with your relationship with SMG4 that I just couldn't hold it anymore..." SMG3 says and sighs as he rubs [Y/N] hands. "Don't worry about it SMG3, it's in the past now. SMG4 doesn't mean anything to me anymore." [Y/N] looks away as SMG3 didn't really believe [him/her]. "I guess we just have each other." SMG3 says quietly. "Come." SMG3 holds his arm out. "Let's get back." [Y/N] takes his arm and they walked back.

[Few more days later]

[Y/N] sat on the couch watching some YouTube when SMG3 walked in. "Hey love, got you some food." [Y/N] smiles, "Thanks." [He/She] took it from him but suddenly gets a huge feeling the need to pee. "SMG3, I forgot where the bathroom is, can I use it?" SMG3 nods and points down the hall. "There's sadly one bathroom in here go ahead. I will go use the one at the cafe below." [Y/N] nods and walks over to the nearest bathroom as SMG3 walks out, "Time to take a p*ss..." he sings as he leaves.

[Y/N] gets out of the bathroom and heads back to where the food was. "Hey SMG3?" [Y/N] called out. "Uh... SMG3?" Still no response [Y/N] looked concerned. Suddenly [Y/N]'s phone rang. [Y/N] took [his/her] phone out to see Meggy was calling. [Y/N] picks up. "Hello?" Suddenly Meggy spoke loud. "[Y/N], WHERE ARE YOU? SMG4 and MARIO are GONE!!" [Y/N] looked shocked. "How, why, huh?" [Y/N] looked around in a panic. "SMG4 went to use the bathroom and never came out, so did Mario, have you seen them?!" Meggy calls out. [Y/N] steps back looking around. "[Y/N]?!" Meggy calls out. "SMG3!" [he/she] hanged up on Meggy and rushed outside. Falling down the stairs [Y/N] quickly stood and ran to the café. [Y/N] busts in and runs past people and went to the door. [He/She] jangles the door knob. "SMG3?!" [Y/N] calls out. "SMG3 PLEASE ANSWER ME!" There wasn't a response and [Y/N] stepped back and went to kick the door down. The door slammed open as [Y/N] quickly stepped in. "SMG3?" No one was there. [Y/N] looked down at the  toilet as [he/she] noticed that there was weird numbers coming out of it but it suddenly faded away. [Y/N] stepped back. "Oh god, oh god, oh god..." [Y/N] stepped back out of the bathroom and ran off back.




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