SMG4: The Final Piece

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All three USBs were surrounding the castle as Mario floated in the center of them. SMG4, SMG3, SMG2 and SMG1 stood there shocked at the sight they saw. Suddenly zero who took over Axol's body walked forward from the roof of the castle. "Oh, you're still here." He said in a scary like voice. SMG4 stepped forward and looked up to Mario. "Mario we'll get you out!" He shouts out. SMG1 stepped forward as well and pointed up to Zero. "I know it's you Zero!" He said angrily. "Release Axol, he has nothing to do with this!" He also said hissing at Zero. "Finally after all these years..." Zero suddenly made all the USBs point towards Mario as beams struct towards him. "I HAVE AN AVATAR OF MY OWN AGAIN!" Mario gets structed. "NO MARIO!!" SMG4 calls out. "If this goes on, Mario's going to die!" SMG1 throws SMG2 up to Mario but gets knocked back by a shield that was around Mario, Zero smirks evilly as SMG4 glances up at Mario. "Mario...No..." Mario starts to crack around his face. "With him I can make everything just how it used to be!" Zero says as suddenly a missel Launched at him making him gets tricked a helicopter lowers down with everyone inside including [Y/N]. "SWAG BACK AGAIN TO SAVE THE DAY BABY!" SMG4 smiles. "GUYS!" but soon he saw [Y/N] as they make eye contact. SMG4's smile faded. "QUICK! GET MARIO INSIDE AND HIDE!" SMG2 says to SMG3 and SMG4. They quickly make it inside with Mario. Everyone jumps out of the Heli and took a fighting stance against zero. Melony looked up at Zero. "Axol..." Meggy smiles. "Need some help?" SMG1  smiles. "Yes, I think that'd be much appreciated!" Swag smiles. "CAME TO THE WRONG HOUSE FOOL!" Suddenly the smoke faded as they see Zero corrupting Axol's body more. His eye had a zero in it. He looked absolutely terrifying. [Y/N] stepped back. "I'm not fitted for battle-" [He/She] says nervously. Bob looked surprised. "Wow he looks even uglier!" SMG2 yells up at Zero. "ZERO! RELEASE AXOL AT ONCE!" Zero looks not so pleased. "You can have him back, all I request is the avatar." Everyone looked not approved. The helicopter went up looking at Zero. "How about you s*ck my avatar?" Swag fired at Zero and he quickly freezes them and throws them behind him. Swag looked like he pee'd his pants. "Oh shit." Zero smashes the Helicopter on the ground as everyone runs and doges the attack. Zero lands on the bridge and turns and heads inside the castle. [Y/N]'s vision grows blurry from the explosion as [He/She] goes unconscious.

"[Y/N], wake up!" [Y/N] opened [His/Her] eyes and noticed Tari patting [Y/N] face. "There you are!" Tari smiles. "I was so worried-" [Y/N] looked over and saw Melony pointing a sword at Zero. [Y/N] gasps. "Melony!" Tari grabs [Y/N]'s arm. Melony looked terrified and not sure what to do she just stared at him. "FUTILE!" Zero hisses as he smacks Melony away hitting [Y/N] and Tari. "Alright guardians!" a voice was heard as Zero looks up and sees SMG3, 4, 1, and 2 on their USBs. "COMMENCE REVERSAL!" SMG1 yells. Suddenly they all hopped on their computers and started typing like mad scientists. The USBs shot a laser striking Zero pinning him to the ground. "WE SEALED YOU AWAY ONCE ZERO, WE CAN DO IT AGAIN!" Zero screams in pain. "LET ME GO!" Zero screams in more pain. "I JUST WANT TO LIVE!!!" SMG4 smiles. "IT'S WORKING!" Melony stared at Zero hoping for axol to return. Zero grabs Melony's arm and she suddenly gasps. [Y/N] noticed. "MELONY!" [Y/N] went towards Melony. "[Y/N], STAY BACK!" SMG4 yells. Again? He seriously told me to STAY BACK?! [Y/N] felt anger. Suddenly Melony had a book in her hand and she looked down at Zero.

Suddenly Zero gets angry and broke through the beams sending all the SMG's off their USBs. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" Zero hisses. He put his arms in the air. The sky turns blood red and chains suddenly flew out of the castle. Chaining up everyone. [Y/N] found [His/Herself] chained with SMG4. Zero zoomed into the castle and found Mario taking him out and continuing the ritual. [Y/N] tries to look at SMG4. "WHAT IS HE DOING?" [Y/N] asked scared. Little fire looking balls flew into the sky into a blue portal looking thing. "He's... HE'S CREATING A WHOLE NEW UNIVERSE!" SMG1 yells in a panic. SMG2 squirmed around. "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THATS HIS PLAN THE WHOLE TIME?!" Zero evil laughs. "YES! My own universe with my own avatar!! Nice and peaceful just like it used to be!" SMG1 spits. "PEACEFUL? YOU CALL THIS PEACEFUL?!" Zero glances down at them. "THIS UNIVERSE WILL BE DESTROYED!" Tari looked worried. "WHAT ABOUT AXOL?!" Zero chuckles. "You can have the body back once I'm done with it!" Zero taps the crystal barrier as it zaps him. He fell to the ground of the river of the castle. Suddenly the world shook as a giant hand flew up and another one joins. Zero rises as Axol looks more corrupted but this time he had no legs. Everyone looked terrified. Zero roars loudly. [Y/N] grunts from how loud it was. "[Y/N]!" SMG4 yells.

[To Be Continued...]

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