Chapter 14- I'm Not Special...

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As we walk into the apartment, I look over at Josh. I think about how we have spent our time in Atlanta so far, and I realize that Josh and I haven’t spent that much time with each other.

“Josh?” I ask, sitting myself down on the couch.

“Yeah?” he answers.

“Have you ever thought about our relationship? I mean, I guess we are going out and such, but we haven’t really done anything together.”

Josh crosses the room and plants himself down beside me on the couch.

“Hmm, I guess we haven’t. But listen, the movie's just about to start filming. I’m going to be really busy. Don’t forget about your parts for filming too,” he says.

“I know, I know…but can’t we find some time to go out and watch a movie or something?”

“Babe, I’ll try my hardest, but don’t forget how hard it is being a celebrity.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s harder dating regular people, instead of other celebrities. They understand better because their schedules are booked all the time too.”

“Regular people? So now I’m a regular person?” I ask, suddenly hurt.

“No, I mean, you’re not like a celebrity at all…” Josh says.

“So I’m not as special as you or Jen or Liam because I’m not a celebrity?”

“Madi, you’re special, it’s just harder for people who don’t have booked schedules to-“

“You know what? Save it. I’m done trying to fit into your little ‘special celebrity life.’ How about you go and find somebody famous to date. Maybe they’ll understand your super busy schedule more than I do.” I yell, grabbing my jacket and storming out the door.

I run out towards the street outside, pushing back the tears trying to escape. I notice that Josh did not run after me. Figures. I slide my phone out of my back pocket, and press “3” for speed dial.


“Caleb? Listen, I was wondering if you could meet me somewhere.” I say into the phone, trying my best to cover up the fact that I was about to burst into tears.

“Uh, ok. Where at?”

“Thank you.” I say, handing the taxi driver a twenty.

I walk out towards the park, scared out of my mind. Nobody should be out this late by themselves, in a park especially. I sigh a breath of relief as I see another cab pull up soon enough and watch as Caleb slowly steps out.

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