Chapter 6- Canoeing

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“Five more miles!” my mom says.

I smile as Josh wraps me up in a bear hug.

“This is going to be so much fun.” he says.

“You’re going to love it. The place is amazing, really. They have all sorts of stuff to do. My favorite is canoeing.” I say.

“My favorite…is this.” he says, and then plants his lips on mine.

“Ugh! Mom! Josh and Madi are making out again!” Connor yells.

Josh chuckles against my lips, and I pull away.

“Well would you rather have me kiss you?” I ask Connor.

“Ew! No! That’s-“ he says, but I cut him off by planting a big, wet kiss on his cheek.

“Madi! Now I have to disinfect my cheek! Mom! Where’s the hand-sanitizer?” he says, wiping his face repeatedly.

Josh and I both laugh, and then I say, “Sorry. I was going to tell you that I was cheating on you with your brother…it just never came up.”

I laugh again, but when I look at Josh, he is not near laughing. His expression is stern and blank.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

 Josh sighs and then says, “Uh-it’s nothing-it’s just…a while ago, I had a girlfriend that cheated on me. It was devastating and I just don’t want-“

“Baby, I would never cheat on you. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I say.

He smiles, “That was a completely clichéd thing to say, but it was adorable and thoughtful.”

He plants a kiss on my lips and I chuckle.

“Did you notice that Connor has been staring at us for the past five minutes?” I whisper.

He looks over at Connor inconspicuously, and then he laughs too.

“Connor,” Josh begins, “Your eyeballs look like their about to fall out of your head. Stop staring.”

Connor shakes his head, and then turns to look at the window by his seat, pouting.

“What’s his deal?” I ask.

Josh sighs, “He’s afraid.”

“Of what?”

“Of asking girls out. He desperately wants a girlfriend, but he’s never had one.”

My eyes grow in shock.

“He’s never had one? Oh, come on! First off, he’s so cute! I mean, if I were his age, I would be crushing on him! …That must be an awkward thing for you to hear, sorry.” I say.

Josh laughs and I continue, “Second, he has girls fawning over him all over the world! I’ve seen fan clubs for him on the Internet! He has to step up his game!”

“I know…He’s just so shy. He rarely socializes, and not just because he hates going out. The paparazzi tend to scare him off. By the way, I’m really hoping that their won’t be any at the lake…" Josh says.

“There won’t be, and don’t change the subject,” I say, and Josh chuckles, “We have to help him out!”

“OK, when the time comes, and he finds the right girl-“

“He’s fifteen! And he’ never had a girlfriend! The time is now.” I say in a deep voice.

 Josh laughs, “OK, OK. We’ll help him. Just promise me that you’ll never use that voice again.”

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