Chapter 8- Connor's POV- What an Idiot...

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Connor’s POV:

“Oh honey, I’m so happy for you. Now, stand in front of the  door so I can take a picture of you going on your first date!” my mom says.

“Mom! Stop.” I whine, “It’s not a big deal. I have to go. See you later!”

I walk out of the door, ready to go on my date with Jessie. I am extremely nervous, this being my first date with a girl. My stomach is doing flips and I can’t breathe normally. I hope I don’t mess up…

I approach the canoe shack and see Jessie waiting by the door. She looks stunning in a white sundress, her hair down and curled. I couldn’t imagine a more fantastic date.

“Hey.” she says, as I reach out to hug her.

“Hey, you look...amazing.” I say.

She gleams with happiness and as we head for the picnic that Madi set up for us, I grab her hand. I look at her and see her face turn red, and although that should be upsetting for me, it makes me feel more secure; as if I am not the only one who is nervous.

“Oh my God, Connor. This is amazing!” Jessie exclaims as we near the picnic.

I look at the scene in front of us and see that it really is amazing. I had never seen it until now, and the whole setup is completely perfect. There is a red and white traditional checkered blanket spread out, and on top of it, there is a woven basket and a few lit candles. I can see Jessie beaming with excitement.

“I’m glad you like it.” I say.

I let her sit down and make myself comfortable beside her. As I watch her hair blow in the wind, and her eyes glow in the candlelight, I know that this will be a great night.


“I can’t believe you would actually do that! I would be too chicken to say that to anyone.” Jessie laughs.

“Hey, that paparazzi guy deserved it. No one talks bad about my brother…but me.” I say.

She laughs again, her perfect, white teeth shining. I still have butterflies in my stomach every time I see her, wondering if I really deserve a girl like her. We have just finished our picnic and are now walking back to the canoe shack. Jessie has been ecstatic about every detail on this date. Seeing that she is enjoying it all, my nerves calm down a bit.

We near the shack and Jessie stops, her face gloomy.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Um,” she laughs, “Nothing, I just…don’t want today to end. I had a great time.”

I blush, “I did too.”

She smiles at me, and my stomach does a humongous flip as I see her lean into me.

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