Chapter 5- Lake-House

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As Josh’s lips reach mine, about a pound of sweat has already dripped off of my body. Josh seems to sense that something is wrong from my shaking, and pulls away.

“Is everything OK? Your shaking like a Chihuahua.” Josh says.

“Everything’s…just fine.” I say, and put my lips back on his.

A minute goes by when I hear Josh’s mom yell, “Josh, Madi, Connor and I are going to make a quick trip to the grocery store! We’ll be back soon!”

“Bye, Mom!” Josh yells.

I look at him, my face red with blush, and he smiles.

“I like you a lot, Madi. Will-Will you be my girlfriend?” he asks.

“Y-Yeah.” I say, my voice all over the place, “But this is a dream, right? So soon I’ll wake up at my house and-“

Josh interrupts me by putting his hand my cheek.

“No, it’s real.” he says, and leans in again.

“Shark Tale? Really?” I ask as Josh inserts the DVD into the player.

“Yeah! It’s my favorite movie! Well, besides The Hunger Games, but come on…that’s a given.” he says.

I laugh and Josh plops himself down on the couch with me.

“Popcorn?” I ask him, handing him the overflowing bowl.

He grabs a couple of pieces and as smooth as butter, throws them in the air and catches them in his mouth.

“Show off…” I mumble.

He smiles and wraps me in his arms.

As the movie starts, I can’t help but ask Josh, “Josh? Why me?”

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“Well…there are so many girls out there, celebrities included, but you chose me to be your girlfriend? Why?”

“Madi, do you not realize how beautiful you are? Inside and out. Look at those eyes. I mean, come on, those things could hypnotize any guy who walks by. Your so real, Madi. Your down to earth and nice…and you most definitely do not go all “fan-girl” on me. You treat me like any other guy. What’s not to like?”

I laugh and blush a deep red. “Trust me, it takes every ounce of patience I have not to go fan-girl on you.” I say.

He laughs and gives me a kiss on my forehead, and we watch the movie in each other’s arms.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. Caleb.

“Hello?” I say, my voice still stiff from sleep.

“Poof! I’m here! Sorry I didn’t Skype you last night, I was so tired.” he says.

“It’s fine, I was…busy, last night anyways.”

“Busy? With what?”

“Um, I-I introduced myself to the new neighbors.”

“Oh! Are they nice?”

“Yeah-uh they’re really nice.” I say, stifling a giggle.

“Alright, well I’ll make sure to Skype you later tonight, OK?”


“Okey-dokey. I’ll see you tonight!”

“OK. Bye.”

I hang up and get dressed. Walking down the hall, I hear my mom talking to someone.

Running downstairs, I yell at my mom, “Is Dad home?!”

A New Neighbor (A Josh Hutcherson Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora