Chapter 11- Moving On

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“So then we just get into the limo and drive to the hotel! Simple as that.” Josh says.

Josh, both of our moms, and I, are sitting in my living room talking about Atlanta. My mom was very accepting of the idea, but my dad…not so much. So, my mom was the one that I asked to come to our meeting.

“Alright then. I guess then in a week you’ll…” my mom begins, but starts to sniffle.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Well,” she sighs, “It’s just that you are going off on your own, with Josh, for five whole months. You’re just so grown up now!”

She sniffles a bit more and I have no clue as to what to do, so I just sit there while Josh’s mom comforts her.

“Hey,” I hear Josh whispers in my ear, “she’ll be OK. She’s just a little…”

“Overprotective?” I ask.

“Yeah, that.” he says.

My mom wipes her eyes and turns back to me.

“I’m so nervous about you going out into the big world on your own, sweetie.” she says.

“I’m not alone, though! I have Josh.” I say, squeezing his hand tight.

“Well, I’m very glad you do. Okay, so it’s settled then! You’d better start packing, then!”

“Packing? We have a week!” Josh scoffs.

“Yes, but this is Madi we are talking about. Last time we went on a trip for a week, she took three days to pack. Imagine how long it will take her to pack for five months.” my mom says.

Josh laughs and I drag him upstairs into my room. I open up my closet and start shuffling through some dirty clothes that need to be washed.

“You know, it’s crazy to think that just a month ago, I was a normal teenage girl who sat on her living room couch watching reality TV. If someone had told me then that I would have been dating Josh Hutcherson and to be going on set with him for the hottest movie ever, I would have told them they were crazy.” I say.

Josh chuckles and walks over to me, giving me a big hug.

“And if someone told me a month ago that I would be dating the most beautiful, smart, amazingly talented girl in the world,” Josh says, pausing to give me a kiss on the lips, “I would have called them an ambulance.”

“…That’s violent.”

“No. No. Again, if you haven’t heard me before, no.” Abby says.

“Hey, I’ll be back for the second semester! We’ll finish the year together, OK?” I say.

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