Chapter 2- Not An Old Couple...

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“OK. Do you have all of your bags in the car?” asks Caleb’s mom.

 “Yeah, I got it all.” Caleb says.

I watch as his dad stuffs the last few boxes into their mini-van. Caleb walks over to me and smiles. I feel tears starting to form at the corners of my eyes, and Caleb envelopes me in a hug.

“Hey, it’s ok.” he says, and kisses my hair, “Before you know it, it will be summer time again, and you will be sitting right by my side at the beach in Florida. Our parents already planned the vacation, so it’s all set, Poof. I promise I’ll see you soon, ok?”

I nod and sniffle. I pull back from the hug, and Caleb reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, blue box.

“Open it.” he says, as he hands it to me.

I take it and rip off the small, pink bow on top of it. As I open the box, a small gasp comes out of my mouth. In the box is a small, silver necklace with a charm. The charm is half of a heart and it says, “Best.”

“ I have the other half. See?” he says, and pulls the necklace out of his shirt.

 He takes mine and connects it to his. Together, they form a perfect silver heart, saying the words, “Best Friends.”

“I love it, Caleb. It’s perfect. Thank you.” I say, as tears escape from my eyes again.

I hug him again, and as soon I pull away, he pulls me back, this time for a kiss.

“Caleb,” I say, stopping the kiss, “I can’t…don’t make this harder on me. Please. I love you, but, just…”

I sigh in loss of words, and Caleb nods in agreement. He gives me one last hug, and I squeeze him tight, sobbing.

 I feel a tear from his eye hit my back, and as he pulls away, he whispers in my ear, “I’ve always loved you, Poof.”

I look at him, my vision blurred with tears, and watch as he heads for his car. I run over to my mom as she says her goodbyes, and sob. As I look at the car, pulling out of the driveway, I see Caleb in the backseat window. He makes a heart with his hands and waves to me. I do the same, and watch his car get smaller and smaller as they drive down the street.

As I make my way towards my house, I take the necklace out of its box, and place it around my neck. My eyes fill with tears again, and I run towards the house. I reach my room and dive onto my bed, sniffling. I reach over to get my phone from my night stand, and as soon as I touch it, it begins to ring. I look at the screen and see a picture of me and Caleb pop up on the screen. I smile.

“Hello?” I say.

“I miss you already, Poof.” he says.

“I miss you too. You have to promise that you will Skype me as soon as you get to Oklahoma.” I say, sniffling again.

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