pt.3 the meeting

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{A/n: otay so i wan'ed to upwode dis yesterday buts i was ill so its was postponed but i howpe yous enjoy}

It was the day tommy had waited for, he was being picked up by wilbur and phil so they could get to the place dream had bout which,surprisingly, was in england.

Tommy had packed the day prior so he didnt forget anything he even brought his cow stuffie
(Henry). Even though it was childish he felt bad for leaving it behind.

20 minutes later

They had been in the car for a while now, or at least thats what it felt like for tommy. He had gotten bored of listening to songs and staring out the widow. Tommy was starting to get tired and hungry but he knew with the amount of bumps on the road he wouldn't have a peaceful nap.

He had gotten snacks from phil after they stopped like an hour later for gas. By thus time tommy was starving and didnt care what he had he just wanted to eat.

《Tommy's POV》

I started to have the fluffy feeling the more i got tired. I didnt want phil or wilbur to think im weird. Phil rarely ever looked at me from driving and wilbur was to busy with songs and his phone so mabey if i just lay down on the back seats and fall to sleep the feeling would go away.

So i did and let me tell you i fell asleep so quick.

{A/n: dats all yous get, no more}

Fluffy Feeling(age Regression)Where stories live. Discover now