(PT.19) Gogy???

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Tommy felt so happy, he didn't know buying more stuffies would make him this happy. He didnt even know which ones he was getting he just saw some and grabbed although he did have a limit of four, so it was a problem because he wanted them all. They were just so cute how could he not get them all.

Tommy ran down the aisle hoping to find one that would catch his eye and he did, but it was so hard because none of them looked special enough. That was until he saw a streak of blue, it was a little ghost stuffie and it was blue.

'That could match wilbur!'

Tommy picked it up and placed it in his arms gently, he looked down and beamed at it. He knew it wouldn't smile back but who cares it was just so cute how could nobody smile at it. He looked up, To see George beaming at him and Dream with a look of despair on his face. Tommy looked back at George worriedly hoping he could tell him why dream looked like that.

"Don't worry Toms he's just having a moment!"

George beamed at him, making tommy feel more reassured so he just went back to choosing the rest of his stuffies.


Tommy had left the store with a duck, Ghost, Bird and a goat. He felt extremely happy and couldn't wait to get home to have a tea party with more stuffies but now he needed Dream and maybe George to join him. They probably would how could they resist him, they cant and that's their weakness.

He felt very evil at the moment but who cared nobody can stop him now!


That's how it got to this scene, he was now sat on the floor a cup filled with apple juice, Dream and George sat across from him and all the teddies placed in a circle with them. Tommy enjoyed it they had bee having some really fun conversations and George didn't even Question it when Tommy's voice became more childish he just went along with it.

Dream had then broken the conversation between them.

"Sorry i have to go, Niki needs help with something-"

"B-but the tea 'll get cowld-"

Dream gives Tommy a hug and smiles at him reassuringly,

"I know i sorry, but ill be back soon so don't have too much fun without me"

With that dream left the two to sit in silence on the floor cups in hand, it was awkward because neither of them knew what to say to each other. That was until George suggested something.

"Wanna take a nap?"


What does he mean??

They were in the middle of tea, how could ever suggest that!?


Tommy couldn't say no!

How could he refuse sleep!!

Naps are the best thing ever!

You can get out of so many things by taking nap!

He saw George get up first watching him with innocent eyes, nor did he realise he had placed his hand on Georges when he had reached out for him.

Tommy felt comfortable with George, he was one of the many people he could trust with things and he wouldn't tell anyone else. That's why he didn't care if George found out bout his thing it just made him anxious to tell people.

He got lightly pulled by George over to the bed, he had watched him lay down before he had joined beside him. Tommy didn't know how comfortable George was with him cuddling up to his side so he just decide to lay awkwardly next to him. Without a warning he felt George pull him closer so he was facing his chest,  he didn't care why George didn't say a word he now just liked the feeling of being cuddled by him.

"Tommy, you comfortable Honey?"

He didn't know why but the nick name had made him melt, he just gave a slow nod not saying a word hoping George would just let him fall into a deep sleep. And he did, Tommy slipped away not soon after listening to the sound of Georges heart beat.

{a/n: Hello....im back??

I was gone for too long for my liking its just i had more exams to do the applying to a collage so i was a bit busy so i hope you forgive me.

Now i cant promise this will be an everyday thing but i might have to make a schedule for myself.

Also what other nicknames should i give tommy cause I've ran out}

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