(Pt.16) I don't like been sick.......

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Tommy was feeling very distressed at the moment and when the person next to him spoke in such a calm and soothing voice he couldn't hold it together, the tears spilled and he started to cry but he was silent making sure he didn't wake Quackity. He didn't like crying this many times in a day, it hurt his eyes and made them sting but he just couldn't stop. The trio was been so nice to him and he just couldn't handle it, its as if they already knew how to take care of him when he was like this. He loved it he didn't wan them to stop treating him like this but he knew thins couldn't stay like this forever, eventually things would have to go back to normal.

Karl had started to panic after seeing tommy starting cry, he didn't know why he was but it panicked him since he had started t cry so suddenly. He shifted himself over to tommy and brought one hand p to the youngers face and wiped away a tear that was falling.

"What's wrong, Toms?"

The fluffy feeling was hitting him so hard at this moment in time, he felt so young and every time he opened his mouth nothing came out. he had slipped to a very young age at this moment but he hasn't realised it because all he could think about was how uncomfortable he was. He didn't like the feeling of the hoodie he had on it wasn't a rough material but it itched at his skin and made laying down in it uncomfortable. 

Karl must have noticed what was wrong because he then gave Tommy a sympathetic smile and slowly rose out of the bed, letting go of Tommy in the progress which made him give out a small whine. Suddenly, Tommy was been brought out of the bed, Karl had grabbed his hand and made his rise out of the bed. He was tugged to the edge, he was urged to get out but he didn't want too. Tommy knew he had to but he was feeling too uncomfortable and his senses were going haywire, so he decided to get up knowing that whatever Kar was doing was going to help him in some way.

He had gotten off the bed but know they were walking somewhere it was all so confusing to Tommy, his mind was so small and the fluffy feeling was too heavy. Although, one thing that was bothering him at the moment was that getting to wherever they were walking too was taking too long in Tommy's mind. Why is it taking this long? Who needs to walk this far?

His questions were answered once they had gotten to their destination, they were at someone else's room. At the other end of the hallway! Though he didn't care along  as it solved his problem of uncomfortableness, but why would they be at someone else's room when he has perfectly good clothes. Karl just strolled into the room and walked right over to where the clothes where kept but stopped and turned towards Tommy.

"Tommy, come here for a sec' hun.."

Tommy walked over to him slowly unsure of what they will be doing, but before he could process why Karl had taken his hand and hovered it over an item of clothing. His hand was brought down onto it and at first he didn't understand why but after a few seconds he felt the rough texture of it and it wasn't a nice feeling. After this he understood what too d and stated to feel the different items of clothing, some items where rougher than others and some where soft but all the ones he had felt didn't have the right texture. That was until he got to a t-shirt right at the end, it was a baby yellow and it was soft but not too much that it was overbearing. It was a larger size as well, even for Tommy and that was saying something because tommy was tall and large clothes just mad a better fit for his height. He picked it up and looked over a t Karl who was stood watching his movements.

"Is that the one you want?"

Tommy made a slight nodding motion telling the older that this was the top he felt comfortable wearing, Karl then turned around which told tommy he could now get out  the itchy hoodie and into the soft t-shirt. It took him a while to change his shirt though because now that the fluffy feeling was over taking his younger mindset had found it difficult. After a while of struggling, he had managed to get it on and in a comfortable placement on his body. He was content with the way it felt until he realised he still had his dungarees on, and this also added t the uncomfortableness because of the material they were made out of. Denim. The god of uncomfortableness. He sometimes hated wearing it because it was so constricting but at other times it was nice to wear, Which is why he wore them most of the time but that was also because they were the only trousers he owned. Then he though about how he was going to tell Karl, it was a little awkward to tell someone that your trousers are annoying you.

Karl already knew that Tommy's pants where annoying him because he had taken a look at the and that material did not look nice nor did it look comfy. So once he knew that Tommy had finished changing, he grabbed a pair of shorts which where quite baggy and where a good enough material to sleep in without  it being uncomfortable. Tommy had taken them gratefully, feeling them before he put the on.

They had then walked back to Tommy's room and saw sapnap and quackity conversing with each other, They were deep in conversation until they saw Tommy walk in. They both cooed at the sight of tommy, he was wearing one of sapnaps t-shirts that looked very bit on timmy but it made him look cute.

Karl lightly grabbed Tommy's arm and pulled him over to the bed, and laying hi down once he was there making sure his was sandwiched between the three men and was in a comfortable position. Tommy looked like a confused kitten, one because he didnt know why the three men were been so nice and two because he was s confused as to why he was so comfortable.

Then he closed his eyes which was a mistake because it made his whole body feel heavier and it made his head feel like it had been hit with a brick, he didnt like it. Why did it hurt so much, he had only closed his eyes and he felt like he was gonna throw up just by the action.

He wined turning over to face one of the three men, he didn't know which one because he had his eyes closed but he didnt care. He whined and grabbed onto the mans t-shirt like his life depended on it, Then in a quiet voice he said....

"I dont like being sick......."

{a/n: why hello there, i hope your all doing well and are eating good and drinking plenty of water. I o this fine night have graced you with the presence of a new chapter, it may be much shorter but i am tire and require sleep. Also if anyone asks, no i did not post this at3 in the morning and they are lying too you. I hope you didnt mind the wait as well i just wasnt doing good mentally and needed some time but im back so you can all get you're dosage of Tommy fluff. also this chapter was based on my experiences when little s if theres anything you don't like just tell me }

{word count: 1314}

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